The Center for the Genomics of Microbial Systems (GeMS), in conjunction with the Institute for Genome Sciences & Policy (IGSP) is pleased to announce a call for proposals for high risk/high impact research in the area of the genomics of complex microbial systems. This RFP is focused on discovery science and not intended to supplement ongoing funded research efforts. Priority will be given to groups of two or more Duke University investigators who will jointly pursue new lines of research.
Up to $50,000 for one year will be provided for pilot research projects. Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. EST, Mon., Sept. 16.
Projects will be selected based on the following criteria:
- Originality
- Scientific rationale
- Potential for scientific impact
- Clear articulation of the way in which the proposed research differs from other funded projects of the Principal Investigator(s)
- Clarity of plans for obtaining subsequent extramural funding to extend or complete the project
- A clear explanation as to why the line of research must be of a collaborative nature
- Title page and contact information
- Budget: The award does not support faculty salaries or provide for indirect cost.
- Abstract of 150 words or less describing the project
- Project summary in 3 pages or less (11 point Arial font, inclusive of figures but not including citations), addressing the selection criteria listed above.
- Biographical sketches for participating faculty. Include a list of all current and pending sources of support. Please use the “NIH Biosketch Form.”