The Duke CTSI Translational Acceleration Research Funding provides up to $150,000 (direct costs only) to support novel clinical and translational research in its many forms.
This funding opportunity is supported by the Duke Clinical and Translational Science Institute, which is the academic home of the National Institutes of Health’s Clinical and Translational Science Awards (CTSA) funding program.
Applications for the CTSI Translational Acceleration Research Funding must demonstrate high translational potential with a clear path to subsequent financial support, new company formation, licensing, not-for-profit partnering, or other channels to enable translation to the patient care.
Cross-disciplinary scientific research addressing the development of therapies, diagnostics or devices applicable to human disease, clinical research/trials (excluding Phase 2 or beyond), epidemiological studies, and/or community-based research are eligible for these awards.
Population health improvement projects should demonstrate significant stakeholder involvement to advance applicability of the results to broader practice patterns, clinical guidelines, and other applications.
Proposals from teams of investigators from different disciplines are encouraged.
Key Dates
- Letter of Intent (Optional): September 12, 2016
- Application Submission Deadline: November 2, 2016
- Selection of Finalists and Oral Presentations: January 2017
- Final Selection: February 2017
- Project Planning Run-In Period: March – April, 2017
- Funding Period: May 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018
- Proposals must be submitted by Duke regular rank faculty and comply with the Duke University Policy on PI Status in the Duke Faculty Handbook. Researchers holding an adjunct appointment are not eligible to apply.
- Non-Duke faculty may be named as co-investigators if they have a separate aim that will be funded by their local CTSA (subcontracts to other institutions are not allowed under this award).
- More than one proposal may be submitted per faculty member acting as PI, but the faculty member is only eligible to receive one award as PI during a given funding cycle.
- Faculty members may not serve as PI on more than one concurrently funded Duke CTSI award.
Each award will consist of up to $150,000 (direct costs only) with an expected start date of May 1, 2017 and ending on April 30, 2018.