Funding opp: Duke/Duke-NUS research collaborations matching funds

By admin2
Duke School of Medicine and Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School (Duke-NUS) in Singapore are pleased to announce a call for proposals for matching funds to support collaborative research projects between faculty based at the two schools that have third party funding (see below). The ultimate goal of this program is the development of international research teams that advance translational and clinical research, including research on medical technologies. Translational research is defined as research with an aim towards human application. For each project, USD $50,000 to USD $150,000 will be available to the Duke faculty member and SGD $50,000 to SGD $150,000 to the Duke-NUS faculty member. To qualify for this funding, the collaborating entities need to have secured, at the time of application, support from a third party of at least the same amount of the proposed award in SGD dollars. The third party funds must be provided to a Singapore-based organization, either on this specific project or on related collaborative research involving the Duke –Durham investigator. The third party must be a funding source external to Singapore (e.g. NIH, foundations) or a commercial sponsor. Application Instructions: Letter of Intent: Applications are accepted and evaluated on a rolling basis, which will continue until the available pool of funds is exhausted. Collaborating faculty should submit a one to two page Letter of Intent describing the nature of the proposed project, the participating investigators from Duke and Duke-NUS, and the nature of the third party funding. Descriptions of currently active research programs at Duke-NUS are available at For the purpose of this award, Duke-NUS faculty are defined as being based primarily in Singapore, and includes physicians in the Singapore medical systems who hold adjunct appointment with Duke-NUS. Please submit Letters of Intent in one PDF file electronically to Ms. Patricia Joseph, Director, Office for Duke-NUS Affairs, at Letters of Intent will be reviewed for consistency with the purposes of this collaborative research program, and invitations to submit full proposals will be issued within one month of their receipt. Full proposals will be due one month following the invitation, and need to contain:
  • Title page listing participating faculty and their respective roles in the project
  • Abstract of 150 words or less describing the project
  • Project summary of 2000 words or less (not including citations), addressing how the proposed research is consistent with the goal of the program.
  • Figures (up to 3)
  • Biographical sketches for participating faculty. Please use the NIH Biosketch Form leaving the eRA COMMONS USER NAME field blank. A sample biosketch may also be found at this website.
