Funding opp: Education & Research Innovations in China

The Education & Research Innovations in China (ERIC) program has announced pilot funding available to help faculty develop innovative education and research programs at the Duke Kunshan University (DKU) campus. Exceptional projects pertaining to other parts of China will also be considered. All regular-rank faculty, including those in professional schools, may submit a proposal. Please see the attached Education & Research Innovations in China (ERIC) Request for Proposal for all the details or visit the Duke Global Funding Opportunities webpage. Proposals should be submitted to Jennifer Boroski at the Office of DKU and China Initiatives by Jan. 30, 2014. All proposals will be reviewed by the China Faculty Council. Decisions will be announced by mid-March 2014 to allow time for activities to begin as early as summer 2014. [scribd id=181720031 key=key-glxem537m2faub7zgi3 mode=scroll]
