Funding opp: Mandel Center seed grant to support innovative, collaborative research

Victor Dzau, MD, chancellor for health affairs and CEO of DUHS,  and Thomas Coffman, MD, co-director, The Mandel Center for Hypertension and Atherosclerosis, announced the following Seed Grant today in a message to faculty in the School of Medicine. Note that the submission deadline is Dec. 3, 2012. The Mandel Center for Hypertension and Atherosclerosis at Duke has been established to advance scientific understanding in the areas of hypertension, atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases. To promote this mission, the center is requesting proposals for its Seed Grant program to support innovative research. Funds are available for four one-year grants of $45,000 plus F&A costs at 15 percent. The explicit purpose of this Seed Grant program is to encourage new areas of collaborative investigation that will lead to successful applications for external funding from NIH and other agencies in thematic areas relevant to the mission of the Mandel Foundation. Each proposal will include an executive summary paragraph written in lay person's language plus a 1-2 page application covering background, specific aims and approaches and key references. Applicants should also provide a brief budget and NIH-style biosketches for the Principal Investigator and other key personnel who will be in the research. Each applicant must be a member of the Cardiovascular Research Center at the time the application is reviewed. Please email for information on CVRC membership. For full details, see the attached Request for Proposal. [box]Applications are due Dec. 3, 2012 and decisions will be made within 3-4 weeks of this deadline with the expectation that projects will be initiated upon receipt of funds on Jan. 1, 2013.[/box] The grant period will be from Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2013. Please send applications in a single PDF to Dr. Christy Ahn at [scribd id=111219060 key=key-ndpl1ptt0qiinq1by7d mode=scroll]
