Funding opp: MEDx Call for Pratt/SOM Proposals for Pilot Research Projects in Diagnostics and Devices

Update: Applicants are invited to attend MEDx office hours, from 10:30 a.m.-noon on Wednesdays in Twinnie's Cafe (ground floor, Fitzpatrick Center North), to discuss their projects.

This request for proposals is targeted to enhancing collaborations between the School of Medicine and Pratt faculty in the area of diagnostics and devices. MEDx is leading a syndicate of highly interdisciplinary partners – The Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA), the Duke Institute for Health Innovation (DIHI), the Departments of Medicine, Surgery, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgey and Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science – to fund these pilot projects.

The goal of this opportunity is to catalyze the development of collaborative proposals that will lead to external funding within 12 months of completion of this project.

  • Faculty from the Schools of Medicine and Engineering should propose a collaborative project as co-investigators that fits under the broad headings of ‘diagnostics’ (from multi-analyte testing platforms to algorithms) or ‘devices’ (from robots to in-vitro sensors).  The project lead may be from either School.
  • Existing collaborators can compete, but the proposed project must be in a new area of research.
  • A funding agency and/or program of interest must be identified as the target of the collaborative research. Internal funding mechanisms, such as Coulter, may be included.
  • It is highly desirable that applicants consult with experts from Duke Innovation and Entrepreneurship ( to articulate the downstream translational path toward commercialization

The intent is to award $50,000 to each of 6 successful proposals. The funding may be used to support fellows, post docs and / or students but not faculty effort.

Due Date: Proposals must be received by 5 p.m. on February 15, 2016.
Award Notice: On or about April 1, 2016.
Project Start Date: On or about April 15, 2016.
Period of Performance: Projects must propose a realistic end date. A 12-month or shorter project period is desirable, but longer periods of performance will be considered if well justified. 

Application Instructions
Use 1-inch margins and the font of your choice must be at least 11pt. The Duke collaborator must assemble the following materials into a single PDF and upload the package using the ORS Limited Nomination website by 5 p.m. on February 15, 2016:

  • Project Summary – limited to one page. Required sections: Collaborators, Overview, Objectives/Aims, Expected Outcomes, Future Funding Opportunities Envisioned, Budget Amount Requested, Period of Performance
  • Project Description – limited to five pages. Required sections: Background, Research Plan & Methods, Timeline & Responsibilities of Collaborators, Team Science Strategy, Scientific Impact, and Path to Commercialization.
  • References – An additional page may be included for references.
  • Biosketches of PIs – in NIH format, limited to 5 pages per biosketch, with personal statement emphasizing the importance of and the professional preparation for the proposed work.
  • Budget Justification – limited to one page. Break down how funds will be allocated between collaborators. Note that indirect costs are not allowed.
