Funding opp: Pilot projects exploring personalized medicine topics

The Duke Center for Personalized Medicine is pleased to announce a funding opportunity for multidisciplinary, collaborative pilot projects that will explore personalized medicine topics in the context of Duke Medicine. The CPM is interested in receiving proposals that address one or more of the following topics within the field of personalized medicine (see detailed description of each in announcement below):
  • Use of IT and/or Social Media to Promote Health
  • Policy and Implementation
  • Adoption of Personalized Medicine Concepts and Paradigms in the Clinical Setting
  • Personalized Medicine - Education
Up to four projects will be funded up to $50,000 each, pending the receipt of appropriate proposals. There is no guarantee of an award within each topic category. The review will occur in two states, with preliminary proposals accepted until 5 p.m. Mon., March 18. Notification and request for full proposals will be made in April. Final awards will be announced in May, with earliest anticipated funding of June 2013. Preliminary/concept proposals, two pages plus rough budget, should include the following details:
  • The specific question to be addressed;
  • The application to personalized medicine;
  • The collaborative multidisciplinary nature of the project with detail about the contributing researchers/groups;
  • The potential for long-term sustainability and funding once the goals of the project are completed.
Full proposals, five pages maximum, plus a detailed budget, will require more detail on these items as well as study methods. Formatting guidelines: minimum of Ariel font 11 or equivalent and 1 inch margins. To meet the abovementioned goals, proposals should:
  • Be carried out by a multidisciplinary team of Duke personnel (we encourage collaboration from multiple schools within Duke)
  • Specifically detail how the research addresses the definition of personalized medicine: An integrated evidence-based approach to patient care across continuum (from health to disease), using multidisciplinary teams to promote health and wellness, patient education, empowerment, and satisfaction, and to use the innovative tools to customize disease prevention, detection and treatment.
  • Address at least one of the above topics
  • Be designed to generate preliminary data as a basis for follow on funding, and state explicitly what sources of follow on funding will be sought.
Application should be addressed to: Center for Personalized Medicine Research Committee, c/o Teji Rakhra-Burris, Please reference "CPM RFA#2" in the email subject line. Read the full announcement below. [scribd id=124187888 key=key-utmrxrygykpk4t8shrq mode=scroll]
