Funding opp: Press Family Endowment Fund for Cancer-Related Research

The Department of Medicine invites proposals for the Press Family Endowment Fund for Cancer-Related Research.  The program’s goal is to promote collaboration and initiate new investigations in cancer-related research. Particular areas of interest responsive to this solicitation include:
  • Metabolomics
  • Cardio toxicity
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Chemotherapy-induced toxicities
  • Nutrition & Cancer
This grant is designed to initiate new research activities that result in the development of a collaborative multi-year proposal to a Federal sponsor (e.g., NIH R01). Deadline for proposals: May 31, 2013 Funding Requirements Funds of up to $50,000 (total direct costs) will be awarded for up to one year.  All award funds are disbursed directly to the division of the principal investigator. See budget guidelines under Step 3 for more information. Who May Apply Applicants must be a Principal Investigator from a division in the Department of Medicine or Principal Investigator from an academic department/division in partnership with a Department of Medicine faculty member engaged in cancer-related research.
  • The Principal Investigator must hold a full-time tenure-track faculty appointment.
  • Only one (1) award will be made per investigator.
Find full details and proposal cover page in the attached document. [button link="…" style="download" color="orange"]Download the RFP[/button]
