DTMI-CTHD Young Investigator Skills Development Award – Due Jan. 6, 2014
The DTMI Center for Thrombotic and Hemostatic Disorders Translational Research Skills Development Core (https://www.trc-thd.org/) provides critical and ongoing focus to educate and provide experience to young investigators interested in thrombotic and hemostatic disorders. Early career thrombotic/hemostatic research investigators will participate in focused translational research with funding up to $40,000 for project support for one year. Letters of Intent (via online submission form) for this funding are due by Jan.6, 2014. One award may be funded during this award cycle. The RFA is available at http://bit.ly/dtrifunding. Questions? Please contact Jennifer Bond, PhD (jennifer.bond@duke.edu) or Thomas Ortel MD, PhD (thomas.ortel@dm.duke.edu).
DTRI Transformative Pilot Agreement – Due Jan. 20
The DTRI Transformative Pilot Agreement provides funding up to $500,000 to address the T1 valley of death: the gulf between novel clinically motivated research and products that show safety and efficacy in humans. This program seeks to provide funding for development of mature research that if successful will attract significant interest for external partnering. The goal of this program is to enable transition of research out of the academic environment. Letters of Intent (via online submission form) for this funding are due by Jan. 20, 2014. One award may be funded during this award cycle. The RFA is available at http://bit.ly/dtripilotstransformative. Questions? Please contact Jennifer Bond, PhD at dtripilots@dm.duke.edu.
Duke-Coulter Translational Research Partnership – Preliminary Proposals Due Jan. 31
The Duke-Coulter Translational Partnership Grant Program provides funding to support collaborative translational research projects that involve co-investigators from the Department of Biomedical Engineering and a clinical department in the School of Medicine. Typically, about $700,000 per year is available for awards and three to five grants are awarded. The research must relate directly to applications in health care, and the objectives of the project should include an outcome that will benefit patients. Examples of desirable outcomes include inventions, patents, improved diagnosis and treatment of disease, follow-on funding (e.g., grants, SBIR, angel investment) commercial products, licenses, commercial partnerships and start-up companies. Submission of a 1-page preliminary proposal in January 2014 is strongly recommended, and full proposals are due by March 10, 2014. Full details are available at http://www.bme.duke.edu/coulter/call-for-proposals. Questions? Please contact Barry Myers, MD, PhD, MBA (Barry.Myers@duke.edu) or Lynn Sutton (lynn.sutton@duke.edu).