GIM shows out in resident vs. faculty basketball game

Duke residents and faculty entered the legendary Cameron Indoor Stadium on Thursday, April 28, for the annual resident vs. faculty basketball game. Duke General Internal Medicine had 6 participants this year, including 2 referees, Christopher Hostler, MD, and Joel Boggan, MD, and 4 players Stephen Telloni, MDPooh Setji, MD, Adam Wachter, MD, and Joseph Brogan, MD.

With a little over 9 minutes left in the second half and the faculty leading the game with a score of 35 to 27, there was an unfortunate resident injury (lucky, there were plenty of doctors in the house) which forced the game to end a bit early. Without a true winner, there was talk of a possible re-match game in the near future.

Want to check out some of the highlights from the game? Check out the short video below!


