Grant writing programs help faculty refine applications


The Duke School of Medicine Office for Faculty Mentoring offers two grant writing programs to help faculty refine grant applications as they write them. The Path to Independence Program for assistant professors consists of structured reviews and feedback from experienced senior faculty. Participation requires a commitment to attend each of the essential program components. Additional information on program commitments, eligibility and timeline can be found here. The current application cycle will serve faculty who are submitting RPG applications (R01, R03, R21) to NIH IN FebRUARY 2015 or DOD applications during the summer or early fall of 2015. Please apply for this program no later than Sept. 19, 2014. K Club, offered three times a year, is designed to assist junior faculty and fellows in the preparation of Career Development (NIH K) award applications. Consisting of a two-part seminar series and structured reviews of your application from senior faculty, this program requires a commitment to attend each of the essential program components. Additional information can be found here. The current application cycle will serve those who are submitting applications to NIH in June 2015. Please apply for this program no later than Sept. 19, 2014.

Important Dates, Program Period September 29, 2014-February 12, 2015

  • Fall class size is limited, and priority will be given to SoM faculty members.  Application closes Sept. 19**
  • Combined orientation and “Primer on Grant Preparation” Lecture Sept. 29, 5:00-7:30 pm
  • NIH grant application due for internal review Dec. 1
  • Internal Peer Review Session (structured like an NIH Study Section!) Dec. 18, 8:00 am-1:00 pm
  • Application includes: specific aims, abstract, signed Memorandum of Understanding (click here for Path to Independence Program MOU, click here for K Club MOU)

** Please note the deadline extension. Applications that are submitted after September 19th will not be considered.  Questions?  Contact Paige Smith at For more faculty development resources, support offerings and tools, check out the Resources and Support page on MedicineNews.
