Hemming discusses new AAMC MedEdPORTAL

This post submitted by: Patrick Hemming, MD, Medical Instructor in Duke General Internal Medicine. 

This month the American Academy of Medical Colleges’ (AAMC) MedEdPORTAL published an online curriculum regarding Geriatric Depression that I and several colleagues designed for clerkship medical students and medical learners such as nurse practitioners and physician assistants at a similar stage of clinical training.  The idea was to design a brief interactive experience that could be paired with other learning experiences.  It has videos and is split into two 20-minute modules. Check it out here! 

One MedEdPORTAL editor commented: "It is a fantastic addition to self-directed modules in the collection for clinical students."

"It is a fantastic addition to self-directed modules in the collection for clinical students."

MedEdPORTAL is peer-reviewed and is a great site for educators and learners seeking existing, effective curricular materials from around the country.  It is available to anyone who registers with the AAMC.  Faculty seeking to disseminate their teaching practices should use the site to share their work.

Our Module is meant to be a resource for educators in geriatrics and/or psychiatry.  We hope to find others, including Duke medicine educators, interested in using the module with their learners.  Please let me know if you are seeking more information on this resource: patrick.hemming@duke.edu

