Duke University's Office of Federal Relations is posting regular updates on how the Federal Government Shutdown may affect the University community, and the National Institutes of Health have also issued a statement with information for the extramural grantee community. Read the full release here.
Here are a few important highlights from the NIH release:
- Submission of Grant Applications: For the duration of the funding lapse, applicants are strongly encouraged not to submit paper or electronic grant applications to NIH during the period of the lapse. Adjustments to application submission dates that occur during the funding lapse will be announced once operations resume. Electronic submissions through Grants.gov will be open and can accept online applications but will not be processed by NIH until the eRA Systems are back online. NIH's ASSIST system will not be available for the electronic submission of multi-project applications. The safest course is to wait to submit any application to NIH until after operations resume and a Notice in the NIH Guide concerning adjusted submission dates is posted.
- Peer Review and Council Meetings: For the duration of the funding lapse, the NIH will not be able to conduct initial peer review meetings – whether in-person or through teleconferences or other electronic media - or Advisory Council Review meetings. Applicants with applications pending Council review during that time should check the NIH website for information after operations resume.
- Awarded Grants: For the duration of the funding lapse, all work and activities performed under currently active NIH grant awards may continue; however no electronic or paper progress reports due during the funding lapse may be submitted. The eRA Commons will not be accessible. In addition, no notice of awards will be processed.