How to watch Medicine Grand Rounds if you can't attend

If you can’t attend a presentation of Medicine Grand Rounds – meets every Friday morning at 8 a.m. in Duke University Hospital room 2002 – you can watch a live stream or view the archived video. Here's how:
  1. Go to  at
  2. Ignore the security certificate warning – click "Proceed anyway."
  3. Use your Duke NetID & password for the login.
  4. Find the Grand Rounds folder on the left side of the page.
  5. Find a specific presentation you wish to view.
  6. Click Watch - a new page will open with the video. (Upgrade your computer's version of Microsoft Silverlight as necessary).
As a reminder, speaker and presentation details for Medicine Grand Rounds are posted to MedicineNews under the Medicine Grand Rounds category (click that link, or use the "Browse by category" dropdown menu at right.
