Internal Medicine Residency News, Feb. 24, 2020

From the Director

We were a few days early for “National Thank A Resident Day,” but we hope everyone enjoyed the chair massages in the med res as well as the “very special” Snow Day on Friday!  Stay tuned for a different venue to compete residents vs faculty in Jeopardy. We’ll continue the last week of Fun-bruary this week with GME Week and a few other fun treats.

Thanks to all who were able to play in the Prostate Bowl! Much love to Dr. G.!​

Keep an eye on Twitter this week for words of thanks from colleagues - and to recognize a colleague!

Kudos this week go to James Helzberg and Erin Song for helping plan the snow day, to the chiefs from the interns for all their amazing organizational skills, and to the JARs and SARs who ran the show on Friday. Also kudos to Erin Song and Neesha Nama on an amazing gen med month. They both consistently had an amazing rapport with their patients and always went above and beyond for their care from Josh Lee, to Mitch Veverka and Connor Moseley for being awesome CICU co-interns from Aman Kansal, and to Drs. Andrew Armstrong, Tian Zhang and Landon Brown, Dr. Sunil Rao and all of our fellowship PDs and division chiefs who participated in Mentoring Week, including a special thanks to Dr. Cooney for hosting us all at the JAR networking night. 

Congratulations to Alex Reddy on his engagement to Priyanka Patel, to Anish and Madhu on their wedding and to Nick and Bridget Kamp on the birth of Ella! Lots of happy celebrations for the #dukefamily.

PubMed from the Program​
This week’s pubmed from the program is promoting the NC ACP meeting! We are gearing up for NC-ACP this weekend – looking forward to seeing poster presentations from Amber Meservey (with co-author Alex Sullivan), Cameron Oswalt, Sarah Dillon and Michael Burt!​

Have a great week!

Clinic Corner: Ambulatory

Contributed by Daniella Zipkin

Ambulatory THREADS
Please see Dr. Zaas’ email from February 19th regarding the Threads.

Please remember that any absences from a clinic you are assigned to need to be addressed in advance. We want to respect the attendings’ time and efforts in preparing for you to be there. So, always reach out to the chiefs if you have a conflict of ANY kind. We want to hear from you!!

Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track (ACLT): Welcome Rising JARs!
It gives me tremendous pleasure to announce next year’s group of rising JARs entering into the Advocacy in Clinical Leadership Track! The ACLT is receiving national recognition as an innovative longitudinal learning experience in advocacy. We are among very few sites in the country which offer residents the opportunity to develop and present their own advocacy platforms.

Please join me in welcoming this awesome crew!

  • Sunny Chung
  • Hayley Cunningham
  • Hannah Florian
  • Sea Bass Franco
  • Amber Meservey
  • Neesha Nama
  • Chelsea Perfect
  • Ryan Slauer
  • Gregg Welty

From the Chief Residents

Morning Report and MGR: Feb. 25-28, 2020
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location
2/25/20 Fatigue Greg Brown 7:15 a.m.

DUH 8253


Transgender Health

Carly Kelley

7:15 a.m.

DUH 8253


Weight Loss Meds

Audrey Metz 7:15 a.m. DUH 8253

Medicine Grand Rounds: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in 2020: C. diff and Beyond

Amy Barto, MD

8 a.m. DUH 2002


Academic Half Day: Feb. 28, 2020
Thread Topic Lecturer Time Location



Kai Sun

Anne Weaver

9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

VA NG032

Infections in Immunocompromised Hosts

GI Bleeding

Julia Messina

Mike Feiler

9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.

VA PRIME Conference Room


Pop Health, Part 2

Loretta Que

Joel Boggan

9:15 a.m.

10:30 a.m.


VA C8016


Noon Conference: Feb. 24-28, 2020
Date Topic Lecturer Time Location Lunch

The Challenges of Being a Doctor-Patient: N of 1

Anthony Galanos

12:10 p.m.

DUH 2002

Cosmic Cantina

2/25/20 SAR Talk: Nutrition and plant-based diets 

Juliette Logan

12:10 p.m.

DUH 2002


2/26/20 Chair's Conference Neha Kayastha

12:10 p.m.

DUH 8253

2/27/20 M&M Joel Boggan and Lara Hayes

12:10 p.m.

DUH 2001


Research Seminar: Invest in Cutting-Edge Data Science


12:00 p.m.

DUH 2002

Duke Gen Med Conference Schedule: Feb. 24-27, 2020
Date Topic Lecturer Time

SAR Report


James Deardorff to Bill Hargett

Kathy Cooney with Team 1

1:15 p.m.


SAR Report - DUH 8262

Intern Report 

Monty Natour to Joe Govert

Mary Jo Obeid to Suchita Sata

1:15 p.m.

3 p.m.


SAR Report

Kyle Geurink to Aimee Zaas

1:15 p.m.


SAR Report - Safety Report

Intern Report - Safety Report



1:15 p.m.

3 p.m.

From the Residency Office

Rheumatology Info Session
Join the Rheumatology Fellowship Program for an information session from 6:30-8:30 p.m. on Tues., Feb. 25. Look for more details in your email.

Narrative Medicine Returns Feb. 28
IM Residency's Narrative Medicine group will meet Feb. 28 at 6:30 p.m. in the Med Res Library. Dr. Galanos (Dr. G) will precept this session. If you are interested, please RSVP to Govind Krishnan. We have found in the past that a small group fosters a sense of intimacy and allows for open sharing, so we will limit attendance to the first 10 people who RSVP.

The theme for this session will be "Relationships." If you are interested in writing a piece, feel free to write about anything this word might bring to your mind, be it the relationships you form with patients, with your co-residents, with family, or of course romantic ones. So as to give everyone who wishes to, a chance to discuss their piece, invite commentary, and open it up for discussion, we ask that you limit your piece to less than 1,000 words. So we can share our pieces with others prior to the session, if you are able to, please email Govind your piece by 2/25/2020. As a final thought, our narrative medicine sessions are considered a safe space: Whatever is shared in our session, we ask that you keep private without express permission to share with others. As always, food will be provided! 

Lunch Calendar
Click here for the February 2020 lunch calendar.

Feeling down? Need to talk to someone? Opportunities for Wellness
All trainees at Duke have FREE access to Personal Assistance Services (PAS), which is the faculty/employee assistance program of Duke University. The staff of licensed professionals offer confidential assessment, short-term counseling, and referrals to help resolve a range of personal, work, and family problems. PAS services are available free of charge to Duke faculty and staff, and their immediate family members. An appointment to meet with a PAS counselor may be arranged by calling the PAS office at 919-416-1PAS (919-416-1727), Monday through Friday between 8:00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. For assistance after hours, residents and fellows can call the Blood and Body Fluid Hotline (115 inside DUH, 919-684-1115 outside) for referral to behavioral health resources. Another resource is Duke Outpatient Psychiatry Referrals at (919) 684-0100 or 1-888-ASK-DUKE.

Upcoming Dates and Events 

  • Feb. 24 - FUNBRUARY Internal Medicine Residency Bake Off
  • Feb. 25 - Rheumatology Fellowship Info Session
  • Feb. 28 - Narrative Medicine and Thank A Resident Day!
  • March 6 - Annual Charity Auction

GME Week Events

  • Feb. 24 - Breakfast, 6-9 a.m., DMP 2W96
  • Feb. 25 - Lunch, 12:30-3 p.m., DMP 2W96
  • Feb. 27 - Lunch, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m., DMP 2W96
  • Feb. 28 - Breakfast, 6-9 a.m., DMP 2W96

