Over the last few weeks as the chief residents have presented at Medicine Grand Rounds, the following faculty, fellows and residents have been honored by the Internal Medicine Residency Program for their work. Please congratulate your colleagues:
Eugene Stead Award: Louis Diehl, MD
Durham Regional Teaching Award: Jessica Chia, MD
Outstanding Service Award: Randy Heffelfinger
Ambulatory Medicine Teaching Award: Lynn Bowlby, MD
VA Faculty Teaching Award: Micah McClain, MD, PhD
Fellow Teaching Award: Zach Healy, MD
The House Staff Community Service Award: Carling Ursem, MD
Lececq Award for Outstanding Senior Resident Talk: Rebecca Sadun, MD, PhD, Alex Fanaroff, MD, Lauren Porras, MD
Haskel Schiff Award: Matt Summers, MD
Bruce Dixon Award: Lindsay Boole, MD
Joseph McClellan Award: Stephen Bergin, MD