Paul Lantos, MD, medical instructor (General Internal Medicine), has received a $20,000 grant from Duke University's Educational and Research Initiatives in China (ERIC) program. ERIC funding is intended to help faculty develop innovative education and research programs at the Duke Kunshan University campus and other areas in China.
"With this grant I will be developing a teaching program for geographic information systems (GIS) based research in the Global Health Master's Program at DKU," said Dr. Lantos. "The teaching will be a combination of periodic in-person workshops and online learning modules. In addition to my activities in China, I will be developing a geospatial analysis and GIS training curriculum for Mongolia's National Centre for Communicable Diseases."
Lantos also will be presenting two studies at the International Symposium on One Health Research in Mongolia later this month. The symposium, organized by Greg Gray, MD, professor of medicine (Infectious Diseases), is an opportunity for foreign scientists to interact closely with high-ranking Mongolian leaders who specialize in human and animal research which in the past has led to numerous research collaborations and discoveries. Lantos will present "Early Peaking of human influenza-like illnesses near swine production facilities during the H1N1 Influenza pandemic," and "Geographic expansion of Lyme disease in the southeastern United States," (poster).