Large DGIM group led by Dr. Kelli Allen in Annals of Internal Medicine

Recently (December 22, 2015) a large group led by Dr. Kelli Allen from Duke GIM published an Online First in the Annals of Internal Medicine — “A Combined Patient and Provider Intervention for Management of Osteoarthritis in Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Our VA researchers showed that combining medical and behavioral strategies for hip and knee osteoarthritis could improve physical function and activity. We wonder if this study will inspire adoption of underused therapies for management of knee and hip osteoarthritis.

Click here to read the full article online!

Kelli D. Allen, PhD; William S. Yancy Jr., MD, MHS; Hayden B. Bosworth, PhD; Cynthia J. Coffman, PhD; Amy S. Jeffreys, MStat; Santanu K. Datta, PhD, MHS; Jennifer McDuffie, PhD; Jennifer L. Strauss; and Eugene Z. Oddone, MD, MHSc. “A Combined Patient and Provider Intervention for Management of Osteoarthritis in Veterans: A Randomized Clinical Trial.” Annals of Internal Medicine (December 22, 2015). [Link]
