Learn about work-life balance from a physician/father and counselor/daughter

By etm18@dhe.duke.edu
Learn about work-life balance from the perspective of a physician (and father) and counselor (and daughter) on Tues., Feb. 12 from 8-9 a.m. in Duke Hospital North Room 2002. Gregory A. Poland, MD, MACP, Mary Lowell Leary Professor of Medicine and Infectious Diseases, director of Mayo Vaccine Research Group and Translational Immunovirology and Biodefense, editor-in-chief of VACCINE, and Caroline M. Poland, MA, LCAC, addictions counselor at Taylor University, will present "Work-Life Balance from the Perspective of a Physician (Father) and Counselor (Daughter): Tantalus Revisited." This lecture is sponsored by Duke University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics and is part of the J. Buren Sidbury Lecture Series.
