Lefkowitz named The News & Observer's 2012 Tar Heel of the Year

By etm18@dhe.duke.edu
lefkowitz260Robert J. Lefkowitz, MD, professor of medicine (Cardiology) and winner of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry, has been named a 2012 Tar Heel of the Year by The News & Observer. Dr. Lefkowitz shares the honor with Myron Cohen, MD, associate vice chancellor for global health, professor of medicine, microbiology and immunology and chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at UNC-Chapel Hill. An article in The News & Observer noted Lefkowitz's accomplishments as a researcher and mentor: "It was his world-class mentoring, along with Lefkowitz's unwavering focus and intuitive picks of which high-risk questions to pursue, that brought Duke University its long-awaited first Nobel Prize, began an entire field of science, and enabled a new approach to designing innumerable better drugs." Read the full article here. Congratulations, Bob!  
