A message from the program directors on recent news from Tulane University

The following message was shared by program leadership on Mon., Feb. 15, 2021.

On Behalf of the Combined Internal Medicine-Pediatrics, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics Residency Programs,

We are saddened by the recent news from Tulane University. Structural racism continues to plague institutions of higher learning. It is not unique to any one institution, and despite efforts across the country around diversity, equity and inclusion, there is much work to be done. We must reflect on how we can be better. At times such as these, we must come together as a community, united around our shared values.

At Duke, we are committed to:

  1. Diversity of students, residents, staff, and faculty; and we believe diversity is crucial for excellence.
  2. Women and underrepresented racial and ethnic faculty and staff in positions of leadership, and diverse representation on selection committees at all levels.
  3. Fair and equitable assessment of abilities and talent.
  4. Ensuring that retaliation against anyone for complaints of discrimination in any form is not tolerated.

We stand by our values in support of all faculty, residents, staff and students. Diversity is a core value and we are committed to investigating and addressing any allegations of racism or racial injustice. Our door is always open to hear from you. 

We will continue to work to identify and address systemic biases and structural racism in our workplace.

We learn more each day and remain humble as we continue to learn from the experiences of our colleagues who are BIPOC. 

With respect,

Katy Bartlett, MD, Pediatrics Residency Program Director

Jane Trinh, MD, Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Program Director

Aimee Zaas, MD, MHS, Internal Medicine Residency Program Director
