Most Viewed Tweets for DGIM

Do you tweet? If you haven’t tried, Twitter is actually a great way to quickly get information about research and publications – after all, Twitter does have about 320 million monthly active users many of whom are healthcare professionals, publishers of academic journals, and organizations.

If you didn’t know, Duke General Internal Medicine has a Twitter account. Our “handle” is @Duke_GIM.

This week we explored Twitter Analytics. We learned, for the past three months, these were our top 5, our most viewed tweets, that is, the ones with the most “Impressions.” [An impression is the number of times users saw the tweet].

5- Voils Accepted by SBM Leadership Institute  

With 463 impressions, this tweet about Corinne Voils, PhD, being accepted by Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Leadership Institute takes 5th place! See the full story here.

4- Faculty Spotlight: Stephen Telloni  

Faculty and staff spotlights are a great way to get to know some of our colleagues. With 489 impressions, this faculty spotlight about hospitalist Stephen Telloni, MD, comes in 4th. See the full spotlight article here.

3- Hospital Medicine Live Tweeting  

We love to see live tweeting at conferences and apparently so do our followers! This tweet about Jon Bae, MD, and Jason Webb, MD, live tweeting at the Society of Hospital Medicine conference takes third place with 528 impressions. Read Dr. Pooh Setji’s report of the conference here

2- Duke Med Students to Present at SGIM 16  

We recently found out that a group of Duke School of Medicine students will be presenting at this year’s SGIM annual meeting! This is only the second time since 1999 that students have been invited to present at any SGIM conference. This is BIG news- which is no wonder why this tweet, with 598 impressions, comes in second place. Read the full story.

1- JAMA Viewpoint Washington and  Boulware  

Population health is an important subject. Our Chancellor, Eugene Washington, MD, and Chief of the Division of General Internal Medicine, L. Ebony Boulware, MD, author a JAMA Viewpoint article.  With 660 impressions, this is our top story on Twitter within the last 3 months. Read the full story and publication here.

Notice our hashtag for publications (#GIMPubs) we created to show off all the great research work going on in the Duke GIM division.



