Naggie to serve on DHHS Guidelines Panel for Antiretroviral Use in Adults and Adolescents

Susanna Naggie, MD, associate professor of medicine (Infectious Diseases), has been asked to serve on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) Guidelines Panel for Antiretroviral Use in Adults and Adolescents with HIV.

The primary goal of the Panel is to provide HIV care practitioners with recommendations based on current knowledge of antiretroviral drugs (ARV) used to treat adults and adolescents with HIV infection in the United States. The Panel reviews new evidence and updates recommendations when needed.

These guidelines include recommendations on baseline laboratory evaluations, treatment goals, benefits of ART and considerations when initiating therapy, choice of the initial regimen for ART-naive patients, ARV drugs or combinations to avoid, management of treatment failure, management of adverse effects and drug interactions, and special ART-related considerations in specific patient populations. 

"This is a big honor for Susanna, and faculty in the Division of Infectious Diseases share in her acheivement. As a member of the panel, Susanna will be playing a big role in the HIV community and will influence many lives. It is truly an outstanding achievement, and Susanna should feel a great amount of pride," said John Perfect, MD, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases.
