Duke Medicine has created the Maestro Care Provider Concierge Program to provide support and a variety of supplemental learning opportunities for Duke providers to improve their efficiency and continuously increase proficiency with Maestro Care. The program offers the following assistance:
Clinic visits A credentialed trainer can come to your clinic to conduct small group sessions in efficiency tips and tricks, In Basket efficiency, saving order favorites, progress note templates and chart review filtering. Trainers can also provide one-on-one assistance.
Webinars Attend a 45 minute webinar on various topics including chart review, In Basket and saving documentation and orders.
Post Live Light classes This is a two-hour classroom session that focuses on efficiency tips and tricks, saving order favorites, progress note templates and chart review filtering.
Telephone time with a trainer Schedule time to talk to a trainer on the phone if you have specific questions but no time to attend scheduled sessions.
For more information or to sign up for any of these sessions, visit the Maestro Care Concierge Page or email david.claxton@dm.duke.edu