Sponsored Research
Neil Freedman of Cardiology has received an award (1R01-HL164542-01) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "Mechanisms by which Small Nucleolar RNAs Exacerbate Atherosclerosis." Total funding will be $2,347,960.
Michael Gunn of Cardiology has received an award (1R01-AI170594-01) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "Development of point-of-care testing for Lassa and other hemorrhagic fever arenaviruses." Total funding will be $2,004,986.
Sudarshan Rajagopal of Cardiology has received an award (2R01-GM122798-06) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "Biasing CXCR3 Signaling to Modulate the Inflammatory Response." Total funding will be $1,428,684.
Sandip Swain of Gastroenterology has received an award from the National Pancreas Foundation for a project entitled "Mechanosensing in Pancreatic Regeneration and Development." Total funding will be $50,000.
Rowena Dolor of General Internal Medicine has received a sub-award (RI-VUMC-01-MC) through the Vanderbilt University Medical Center for a project entitled "PCORnet Engagement Coordinating Center." Total funding will be $136,441.
Kimberly Johnson of Geriatrics has received an award (3U54-MD012530-05S2) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "Duke Center for REsearch to AdvanCe Healthcare Equity (REACH EQUITY)." Total funding will be $1,200,000.
Elizabeth Dodds-Ashley of Infectious Diseases has received an award (75D30121D12733-D1-A001) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for a project entitled "Leveraging National Healthcare Safety Network Antimicrobial Use Option to Inform, Implement and Assess Antibiotic Stewardship Activities." Total funding will be $476,969.
Mehri McKellar of Infectious Diseases has received a sub-award () through the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill for a project entitled "Effects of I'm Fully Empowered4PrEP Intervention on HIV Prep Uptake by Southern African American Women." Total funding will be $122,246.
Matthew Rubach of Infectious Diseases has received a sub-award () through the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine for a project entitled "Multimorbidity-associated emergency hospital admissions: a ""screen and link"" strategy to improve outcomes for high-risk patients in sub-Saharan Africa." Total funding will be $135,550.
Robert Spurney of Nephrology has received an award (1R21-TR004257-01) from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled "A Novel Therapeutic Approach to Treat Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS) R21." Total funding will be $442,750.
Carey Anders of Oncology has received a sub-award (1R01-CA262112-01A1) through the University of Tennessee Health Science Center for a project entitled "Determining susceptibility loci in triple negative breast cancer using a novel pre-clinical model." Total funding will be $5,485.
Sarah Sammons of Oncology has received a sub-award () through the Hoosier Cancer Research Network, Inc for a project entitled "BRIDGET: Secondary BRain metastases prevention after Isolated intracranial progression on Trastuzumab/Pertuzumab or T-DM1 in patients with aDvanced human epidermal Growth factor receptor 2+ brEast cancer with the addition of Tucatinib." Total funding will be $412,698.
Christopher Mosher of Pulmonary has received an award from the American Lung Association for a project entitled "Snake in the Grass: Cardiovascular Outcome Risks After AECOPD (COBRA)." Total funding will be $95,000.
Industry-sponsored Clinical Trials
Adam Devore of Cardiology has received an award from Story Health for a project entitled "Vital HF RCT." Total funding will be $1,471,250.
Sreekanth Vemulapalli of Cardiology has received an award from American College of Cardiology for a project entitled "ACC-TVT Registry 2022 Industry." Total funding will be $685,982.
Harry Erba of Cell Therapy has received an award from Sumitomo Dainippon Pharma Co. for a project entitled "DSP5336-101." Total funding will be $455,485.
Andrew Muir of Gastroenterology has received an award from COUR Pharmaceuticals Development Company for a project entitled "A Phase 2a Double Blind, Placebo Controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Pharmacodynamics, and Efficacy of CNP-104 in Subjects Ages 18-75 with Primary Biliary Cholangitis Who Are Unresponsive to UDCA and/or OCA." Total funding will be $122,415.
Thomas Ortel of Hematology has received an award from Anthos Therapeutics, Inc for a project entitled "Anthos ANT-007." Total funding will be $84,405.
Marilyn Telen of Hematology has received an award from FORMA Therapeutics, Inc. for a project entitled "4202-HEM-201 Pro00109172." Total funding will be $249,697.
Micah McClain of Infectious Diseases has received an award from Biomeme, Inc. for a project entitled "Biomeme Addendum #4 SRA-OHL." Total funding will be $12,692.
Nicholas Turner of Infectious Diseases has received an award from PurioLabs for a project entitled "Measuring the efficacy of the PURitALL disinfection cabinet on frequently used physical therapy treatment equipment." Total funding will be $37,091.
Jeffrey Crawford of Oncology has received an award from Alliance Data Innovation Lab, LLC for a project entitled "Alliance ICARE Data Project - Project Order #1." Total funding will be $21,896.
Michael Harrison of Oncology has received an award from Merck Sharp & Dohme for a project entitled "Merck LiteSpark-001: Advanced rCC progression after immunotherapy." Total funding will be $1,179,215.
Christopher Hoimes of Oncology has received an award from Bellicum Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for a project entitled "A Phase 1/2 Feasibility, Safety, and Activity Study of PSCA-Specific Chimeric Antigen Receptor Engineered T Cells (BPX-601) in Subjects with Previously Treated Advanced Solid Tumors." Total funding will be $957,151.
Christopher Hoimes of Oncology has received an award from Promontory Therapeutics for a project entitled "PT-112 in mCRPC (Phase 2 expansion; Phosplatin Therapeutics)." Total funding will be $352,620.
Patricia Lugar of Pulmonary has received an award from BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. for a project entitled "HAErmony1: A Phase 1/2, Open-Label, Dose-Escalation Study to Determine the Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of BMN 331, an Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV) Vector-Mediated Gene Transfer of Human SERPING." Total funding will be $700,413.