New funding opp: DOM Integrated Research RFA - deadline 11/1/2011

Monica Kraft, MD, vice chair for research, is seeking applications for the Integrated Research Award, a new funding opportunity for Department of Medicine faculty with proposals for interdepartmental or interdivisional research.

Application Information

  • Awards ranging from $25,000-$50,000 available for interdepartmental or interdivisional research, up to 10 awards available based on proposals submitted
  • Type of research may be laboratory investigation, translational or clinical research
  • Applicants must apply as co- investigators, where the DOM faculty member is PI. In the case of an interdivisional application within the DOM, one faculty member will be designated as PI, and the other a co-investigator.
  • Faculty must be at Assistant Professor level or higher, MD and PhD faculty eligible
  • Applicants must not be co-investigators on current grants, or must justify why the proposal is a significant departure from current collaborations
  • Research must be conducted within one year and result in a grant submission
  • Description of work with rationale, budget and timeline required
  • Funds cannot be used for faculty salary support
  • Up to two years of support available, second year of funding contingent upon progress made during the first year and justification for the second year

Application process and forms

Submit the completed application form and all supporting documents via email to Monica Kraft (
  • Completed applications are due by November 1, 2011
  • Applicants selected for the program will be notified on or about December 1, 2011
  • Acceptance of the award must be received by December 8, 2011
  • The award will begin January 1, 2011
A complete application should include:
  • Application Form using NIH continuation pages (.doc/PDF)
  • Description of collaboration – 2 pages
  • Investigative Team – one page
  • Budget and timelime  –  one page
  • An NIH biosketch for each investigators – up to 4 pages is acceptable

Selection criteria

The actual selection of the Department of Medicine Integrated Research award will be based on the following:
  • The innovation of applicants’ proposed research
  • The potential for submission as a multi-investigator grant within one year of completion.
