New guidelines for appointments, promotion and tenure



The School of Medicine has implemented new guidelines for the designation of academic track in the Appointments, Promotion and Tenure (APT) process. Since determining the most appropriate track for each member of the faculty can be complex, nuanced, and confusing, the Department of Medicine has prepared the following documents:

  1. A general description of DOM guidelines that is consistent with SOM guidelines but are tailored to DOM faculty. [ilink url="…" style="download"]APT intro[/ilink]
  2. A DOM-specific flow diagram of the progression from first appointment through the academic ranks. [ilink url="…" style="download"]APT flow chart[/ilink]
  3. A DOM APT Grid showing how the flow diagram translates into the academic tracks, the main focus of each track, some examples of the career trajectory in each track, and the criteria for progression up the academic ladder. [ilink url="…" style="download"]APT master grid[/ilink]
  4. A frequently asked questions document. [ilink url="…" style="download"]APT frequently asked questions[/ilink]

Questions about the overall APT process can be directed to your division chief, the chair of the DOM APT Committee (David Pisetsky, MD), or the vice chair for faculty development and diversity (Laura Svetkey MD).

Questions about your personal career trajectory should be directed to your division chief and/or primary mentor.
