New Path to Independence Program for junior investigators in SOM

By Anton Zuiker
UPDATE 5.4.2012: Registration is now open, and applications are due no later than May 29. Space is limited, so apply today. Start here. UPDATE 12.7.2011: Deadlines and review schedules have been updated on the Path to Independence Program page. Registrations deadline for the next round is Jan. 28, 2012. The program is open to School of Medicine faculty of all ranks who intend to submit an R01 for the June 5, 2012 deadline. This opportunity is specifically geared toward those who have not previously held an R01. It will be repeated three times per year to coincide with NIH deadlines. The School of Medicine has initiated a new program designed to assist junior investigators in securing their first independent R01 funding, called Path to Independence Program. The program, which is coordinated by the School's Office for Faculty Development under the direction of Mark Dewhirst, DVM, PhD, associate dean for faculty mentoring, will consist of structured reviews and feedback on R01 applications by experienced senior faculty who have served as reviewers for NIH. The program will be offered three times per year to coincide with NIH R01 application submission dates. Applications are now being accepted for those intending to submit for the Feb 5, 2012 NIH deadline. For more information and application materials, visit the Path to Independence Program page. For questions, contact Dr. Dewhirst at and 919.684.4180, or Rebbecca Moen, MBA, at and 612.702.4403.

Senior faculty invited to participate as reviewers

Dr. Dewhirst is looking for experienced faculty members who have participated on NIH study sections to serve as reviewers for this program. For those faculty selected to be a member of the internal review panel, there will be financial remuneration (the plan is still being developed) to be placed in your general research account (discretionary account) to be used for academic enhancement of your choice (e.g., attending meetings, journal subscriptions, publication expenses, etc.). You must agree to:
  • Be available to review applications for the three NIH deadlines. You will likely be asked to review no more than 1-2 applications per round and the reviews will need to be completed approximately two months prior to the NIH submission dates.
  • Provide comprehensive comments to the applicant and meet with them during Feedback Sessions that will be scheduled approximately one month prior to the NIH deadline
  • Occasionally participate in the Specific Aims Workshops
We may also need Ad Hoc Reviewers with specific expertise, based on applicants’ areas of interest. Ad Hoc Reviewers will receive a small honorarium to be placed in their general research account (discretionary account). They will participate in reviews as needed. First published 9/16/2011
