Ralph Corey honored by Chinese government with National Friendship Award

By etm18@dhe.duke.edu
ralphcoreychinaRalph Corey, MD, vice chair for education and global health and professor of medicine (Infectious Disease) and director of the Duke Hubert-Yeargan Center for Global Health, was recognized for his work with Chinese physicians with a National Friendship Award. This award is the Chinese government's highest honor for foreigners who have made exceptional contributions to China. Dr. Corey received a medal and plaque at the award ceremony in Beijing on Oct. 1. Corey has worked with Chinese Professor Zhou Sanjue and his successors for the past 25 years and lead a medical training exchange program between Duke University and Beijing Hospital. The partnership sends young American and Chinese physicians and faculty members to the partnering institution for up to a year of advanced clinical training. More than 20 Chinese physicians have trained at Duke, and more than 30 Duke medical residents have trained in China. In addition to China, the Duke Hubert-Yeargan Center and Duke University Medical Center offer international rotations in locations such as Kenya, Tanzania, Nicaragua, Sri Lanka and Thailand.
