Recent GIM Promotions

Congratulations to Drs. Kathleen Bately, Genevive Embree, and Delani Mann-Johnson for their recent promotions to Assistant Professor of Medicine in the Division of General Internal Medicine.

Kathleen Batley, MD - Hospitalist, Duke University Hospital

Dr. Bately joined Duke GIM faculty in 2016 and serves as one of the teaching attendings for the General Medicine rotation at Duke University Hospital. She is the team lead on a medicine geography unit pilot which has shown improvement in nursing and provider satisfaction and also a trend in earlier discharges.  Dr. Batley has found an interest in the high utilizer patients admitted to DUH, and joined the Complex Care Committee in June 2019. Her work on this committee has resulted in Dr. Batley being appointed a leadership position within the Hospital Medicine Division to Associate Medical Director of Complex Care and Re-admissions. She has become a very active member of the Society of Hospital Medicine (SHM), North Carolina Chapter of ACP, and AOA. 

Genevieve​ Embree, MD - Durham VA Medical Center

Dr. Embree has served as a Medical Instructor to Duke Internal Medicine residents for four years at the Durham Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Center.  She also serves as a primary care physician at the Durham VA Medical Center and recently served as Acting Medical Director for the Raleigh VA Community Based Outpatient Clinic. She is engaged in research and has published multiple peer-reviewed publications and has served as the site champion for a CDC study based out of Salt Lake City. Dr. Embree has served in multiple other leadership roles and has demonstrated a strong commitment to academic excellence through her activities.

Delani Mann Johnson, MD - Palliative Care, Duke Raleigh Hospital 

Since becoming a member of Duke’s Department of Palliative Care, Dr. Mann-Johnson has continued to promote her field at Duke Raleigh Hospital where she also serves as the clinical lead. She works closely with the Department of Chaplain Services and Education providing lectures and clinical preceptorships for rotating chaplain interns. She has been a member of the Care Transitions Team joining Wake County home health organizations strategizing for successful discharge plans for complex patients. More recently, she has developed a palliative care liaison task force that seeks to educate, train and cultivate communication skills for both clinical and non-clinical staff in order to promote effective goals of care discussions in their respective disciplines. Lastly, she is working on the SNF Covid-19 advisory team as a local palliative care expert for Wake County nursing facilities.
