Research Conference 6/29/2012: Research support update, pulmonary injury and sickle vasculopathy

The Medicine Research Conference returns Fri., June 29 at 12 pm in Duke Hospital 2002 for an end-of-the-season special program, with presentations by Monica Kraft, MD, vice chair for research, Michael D. Gunn, MD, associate professor of medicine (Cardiology) and immunology, and Rahima Zennadi, PhD, MS, assistant professor of medicine (Hematology) Dr. Kraft will present an update on Department of Medicine research initiatives and support for investigators, reviewing departmental activities since the Feb. 1 Medicine Research Restreat. Dr. Gunn will present Development of Therapeutics for Pulmonary Injury: Exploiting the Opportunities. Dr. Zennadi will present The Role of RBC MEK/ERK in Sickle Vasculopathy. Lunch and science-themed cookies (don't miss 'em – they are delicious and fun) will be provided. Presentation begins promptly at 12noon. [box type="info"]Medicine Research Conference will take as summer break and return Fri., Sept. 28.[/box]
