Residency recruiting season complete

From Diana McNeill, MD, vice chair for education and director of the Internal Medicine Residency Program: Our applicants said it all: [quote style="boxed"]Well organized, great teamwork, enthusiasm, and a great way to present Duke at its best![/quote] It is hard to think how quickly the last three months have flown by, and that we have come to the end of the recruiting season. The list of those to thank is endless, starting with Dr. Klotman for her support this year as our new Chair of the Department, and extending to ALL of our residents and staff.
  • A special thanks to Dave Butterly and Emily Strollo who organized EVERYTHING!
  • Our Chief Residents for a superb job, flexibility, and dedication
  • To our residents - tours, interviews, and show casing what makes our program unique
  • Our Associate Directors - who were there every morning and filled in any gaps
  • A special thank you to our faculty across the Dept who conducted an endless list of interviews
  • Our office staff who provided support and kept things running
