Resident research featured at annual event

DUKE.RESEARCH.NIGHT.63The Internal Medicine Residency Program had a great turn out for Resident Research Night on June 4, 2013. The evening included three presentations:
  • Wei (Denise) Duan-Porter, MD, PhD, "Autoimmune disorders in patients with B-cell lymphocytic leukemia"
  • Ann Marie Navar-Boggan, MD, PhD, "Effect of a Peer Assessment and Feedback Intervention on Blood Pressure Control in Ambulatory Setting"
  • Jason Rose, MD, "Blood Gene Expression Profiling Reveals An Association Between Viral Infection, Platelet Function, and Acute Myocardial Infarction"
The Robert M. Califf, MD, Medicine Resident Research Awards went to Ann Marie Navar-Boggan (first place), Jason Rose (second place) and Denise Duan-Porter (third place). Catherine Coombs, MD, received the award for best poster. Chetan Patel, MD, received the Joseph Greenfield Jr. Research Mentorship Award. Heather Whitson, MD, received the award for Best Grand Rounds, and Aaron Mitchell, MD, and Kevin Shah, MD, received awards for the Best Q1 Posters. Congratulations to all of the award winners and many thanks to everyone who made the evening a success!
