Robert Lefkowitz, MD, will present his research at the Department of Medicine's Research Seminar Series on Fri., Jan. 27, 2017 in Duke Hospital Room 2002. Dr. Lefkowitz is a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, James B. Duke Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and professor of biochemistry and chemistry, and recipient of the 2012 Nobel Prize for Chemistry.
Dr. Lefkowitz will discuss G-Protein Coupled Receptors.
The session will begin promptly at noon. Lunch will be provided, but please arrive early.
Medicine Research Seminar Series is a monthly presentation of outstanding research in the Department of Medicine. The series is designed to foster new initiatives and collaborations among our faculty, fellows and residents. Andrew Alspaugh, MD, coordinates the series.
View a conversation between Dr. Lefkowitz and Howard Rockman, MD.