Roberts receives ASN clinical scholar award

John Roberts, MD, MS, MEd, medical instructor (Nephrology), has received a William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholar Award from The American Society of Nephrology.

The goal of the William and Sandra Bennett Clinical Scholars Program is to produce the next generation of clinician educators by allowing applicants to improve teaching skills through the acquisition of education tools and by supporting aspiring nephrology educators to conduct a project to advance all facets of nephrology education and teaching. The award provides each recipient with $50,000 per year for up to two years. 

"With this support, I will create an online nephrology curriculum to supplement the education for internal medicine residents as they participate on nephrology rotations at Duke and evaluate whether the curriculum improves learning," Dr. Roberts said.

In addition, Roberts will conduct a survey to understand which values and preferences are most important in determining career choice for internal medicine residents.

Roberts did his internal medicine residency training and fellowship in Nephrology at Duke. He has previously created a series of video pencasts for medical students. Learn more.

