Save the date 9/9/13: Summit on Transformative Innovation in Health Care

The Duke Institute for Health Innovation will host the inaugural Summit on Transformative Innovation in Health Care on Mon., Sept. 9 from 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. in the Trent Semans Center for Health Education. The summit will include a poster session showcasing Duke ideas and projects that describe tangible examples of innovation in health delivery, health technology, health policy, and leadership and workforce development programs (see details below). During the summit, local, national and global thought leaders will share their perspectives on the future of health care in the U.S. and globally, the need and opportunities for health innovation, envisioned solutions and the role of universities and academic health systems such as Duke. Click here to register and view the full agenda. DIHI welcomes poster submissions (new or existing posters) from faculty, staff, students, and trainees across Duke, and hope this provides a way to build new connections and collaborations. If you have an idea or project you would like to submit for consideration, please provide a title and 2-3 sentence description to Tom Kaminski by Fri, Aug. 9. Limited support for development of new posters is available as needed. [scribd id=155919915 key=key-2jr0p5q4whvor209hsbz mode=scroll]
