Sally Kornbluth, PhD, vice dean for basic science, has informed School of Medicine faculty about the Core Facility Voucher Program for 2013:
The School of Medicine and its departments, institutes and centers oversee a wide range of research core facilities. To enable investigators to access these services for exciting new studies that are not yet externally funded, the School of Medicine is pleased to announce the
2013 Core Facility Services Voucher Program. This program will offer vouchers in amounts ranging from $500 to $10,000, redeemable for provision of services at Duke University core facilities/shared resources.
Applicants for funds must be Duke School of Medicine faculty members. The proposal must be accompanied by a brief note from the core facility director attesting to the availability of the proposed technical service (a copy of an email stating “we can provide the proposed services” will suffice).
Only one application per investigator will be considered. Only new applications (i.e. not resubmitted applications from the 2010-2012 programs) will be considered.
Application packets should include the following: a cover sheet with your name, department, core facility to which you are applying and the dollar amount requested; a one-page proposal describing the research question to be investigated, rationale, proposed plan, and justification for amount requested (11 pt font, 0.5” margins); and a core director support letter. Completed application packets should be sent as a single PDF file to
The deadline for submission is March 31, 2013.
Vouchers may range from $500 to $10,000 and must be spent within twelve months of the award date unless an extension is granted by the Vice Dean for Basic Science. Vouchers are not renewable or transferable. The funds are provided directly to the core facility to cover the costs for the approved research project.
Participating facilities
All core facilities/shared resources that provide services open to School of Medicine faculty members on a fee-for-service basis are eligible for participation in this program. A list of School of Medicine core facilities can be found at:
No more than two facilities can be included in a single proposal. We would appreciate being alerted at if a core facility of interest is missing from this list.
Proposals will be reviewed by a faculty committee chaired by the Vice Dean for Basic Science. The committee will be charged with selecting innovative proposals that will benefit substantially from the use of the proposed core facility. Awardees will be announced by May 1, 2013.