School launches search for next Chair of the Department of Medicine

The School of Medicine has launched a search for the next Chair of the Department of Medicine. That person will replace Mary Klotman, MD, the current chair and next dean of the Duke School of Medicine.

Ben Alman, MD, chair of the the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, will lead the search committee.

The typical chair search process is as follows:  

  • The Search Committee gathers information about the Department through meetings with departmental leadership. This better informs the committee and helps outline the qualities desired in the new Chair.  
  • Additionally, we will advertise for the position and request Cover letters and CVs from potential candidates. A position ad will be distributed in the coming weeks. Please help us spread the word. 
  • The committee will select the first group of candidates to interview. First visit interviews are private and confidential to protect the candidates. After the first round interviews, the committee will invite a smaller group of individuals for second visits. This is a quiet phase of the search.
  • Second visits by the candidates are public; they include meetings with departmental and institutional leaders.  The candidates will also present a seminar to the Department during these visits. 
  • After the completion of second visits, the Search committee will solicit input from all department members and from the interviewers.  After reviewing this feedback, along with due diligence, the Committee will send the Dean the list of candidates.  

The Medicine Department Chair Search Committee includes the following faculty members:

  • Ben Alman, MD (Chair)
  • Kathleen McGann, MD (Assistant Dean for Leadership Services)
  • James Blumenthal, PhD
  • Katherine C. Pereira, DNP, RN, FNP-BC, ADM-BC, FAAN, FAANP
  • Carolyn Carpenter, MHA  
  • Larry Crawford, MD  
  • Ken Gall, PhD  
  • Andrew Muir, MD  
  • Chris Newgard, PhD  
  • Sallie Permar, MD, PhD
  • John Rawls, PhD
  • Julie Thacker, MD
  • Geeta Swamy, MD
  • Kevin Thomas, MD
  • David Turner, MD
  • Heather Whitson, MD 

To nominate a candidate, send the person's name and email address to Paige Smith, Chair Search Administrator, at, and she will solicit a Cover letter and CV.

Find more information about leadership searches in the School of Medicine here.
