Schulman's Op-Ed "Why the health care market doesn’t work"

On March 22, The News & Observer published an op-ed by DGIM's Dr. Kevin Schulman entitled, "Why the health care market doesn’t work". In the article, Schulman discusses how and why the health care market has stopped working for consumers, why costs for Obamacare are increasing so rapidly, and why health care prices are so high for the sick. He believes there is a lack of fundamental understanding of how the market works. 

What can we do about this? Schulman recommends a reasoned discussion in Washington of the underlying economics of health care. The paper ends by stating, "Real reform will require a hard look at the economics of our health care system - it's strengths and its failings."

"Real reform will require a hard look at the economics of our health care system - it's strengths and its failings."

Read the full article on The News & Observer site, here.

Kevin Schulman, MD, MBA, is a distinguished researcher who has received more than $48 million in research grants. His research interests include health services research and policy, including access to care and the impact of reimbursement and regulatory policies on clinical practice; health economics and economic evaluation in clinical research; and medical decision making, especially in patients with life-threatening conditions.

The News & Observer is a newspaper in Raleigh, NC.
