Thank a teacher on the National Day of Listening

Thanksgiving Day, with its traditional pausing to be thankful of life, health and resources, is a perfect time for oral histories and family storytelling. That's why StoryCorps each year asks families to think of the day after Thanksgiving as the National Day of Listening. This year, they're asking everyone to take a few minutes to say thanks to a favorite teacher. Please consider recording, writing or crafting a message to your favorite teacher. Perhaps the simplest way to do this is to use your phone or camera to record a short video of you remembering a moment with your teacher, or something that teacher said that still resonates with you. If yours is a memory about a teacher who helped you become a physician, or who taught you the importance of health or caring for others, please share it with the rest of the Department here on MedicineNews (send a message to Happy Thanksgiving, and much storytelling and listening this week.
