Scholars@Duke, a new public website designed to bring together information about the research and teaching activities of Duke faculty members, will go live
Mon., May 13, 2013 at
Scholars@Duke will include
individual faculty profiles, an
expertise network and an archive of
publications. Faculty also gain greater control over how their publications and research interests are listed.
This new site is the result of a two-year, Provost-led collaboration with faculty members and stakeholders across the School of Medicine and University schools. Scholars@Duke currently features only profiles for School of Medicine faculty. Profiles for faculty in other Duke schools will be added and available later in 2013.
Scholars@Duke replaces the Faculty Research Directory (FReD).
Learn more about how to update your Scholars@Duke profile on
this support page, where there are howto articles and videos.
[toggle title_open="Very interesting. Close this." title_closed="Highlights of Scholars@Duke" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]
- Each Duke University School of Medicine faculty member now has a profile page on Scholars@Duke that includes areas of expertise, publications, and contact information – all automatically populated by Duke systems and trusted sources.
- Your profile page on the Department of Medicine and your respective division website will now reflect information from your Scholars@Duke profile.
- Please check your profile to confirm the information displayed, update information, and add a profile photo. Faculty members and delegates they select are urged to update content in their profile pages regularly.
- You may delegate another person to manage your profile. If you previously delegated a person in FReD, that person is automatically a delegate in Scholars@Duke.
- Information from your FReD profile has been copied over to your Scholars@Duke profile.
- Your list of publications is now loaded automatically from trusted sources vetted by the Duke Libraries, and you can use the Libraries’ new publication management tool – called Elements – to edit your list of publications.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open="Sounds good. I'm done here." title_closed="Benefits of Scholars@Duke" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]Here's what's good about the new system:
- For visitors looking for Duke faculty, Scholars@Duke them brings all together in one site.
- For faculty members, Scholars@Duke provides mostly automated content and profiles can be customized.
- Profile data can be shared on other websites.
- Google search engines find Scholars@Duke profiles faster than other websites, which gives faculty members more control of their online presence.[/toggle]
[toggle title_open="OK, I got it" title_closed="How to update your Scholars@Duke profile" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]
What can be changed in Scholars? Profile pictures, overview, geographic focus, delegates, keywords, and links to your websites.

To update your profile, go to and search for your name using the Search box in the top right-hand corner or by using the People directory.
Once you have found your profile, click on the Manage This Profile button in the right-hand corner. You will need your Net ID and password to edit your profile.
Update your Overview - This is a free-text field. If you previously had 'research interests' text in FReD, you'll see that here. Otherwise, it will be blank. To edit, click the pencil icon.
Update your Geographical Focus - This is a a place to list any countries in which you work or for which you have an expertise.
Update your Keywords - Keywords are loaded from a search of your publication citations. You can pick and choose which keywords are displayed on your profile.
Update your publications - To update your list of publications, you'll use a separate -- but connected -- system called Elements. Click the Manage Publications button to find a link over to Elements. Additional instructions are below.
What cannot be changed in Scholars? The following information that is listed on your profile page comes from various University and Health System databases, some which you can change directly while others require department or school action.
- Basic contact information that is present in Scholars can be updated by you in
- Appointments, faculty titles and affiliations, as well as education and training information, is managed in dFac.
- Grants data comes from SPS, and is managed at a higher level by ORA and ORS.
[toggle title_open="Yep, did that" title_closed="How to update your list of publications using Elements" hide="yes" border="yes" style="default" excerpt_length="0" read_more_text="Read More" read_less_text="Read Less" include_excerpt_html="no"]The list of publications that shows on your Scholars@Duke profile can be managed in
Elements, a system that monitors multiple journal databases.
Get to Elements -

Within Scholars@Duke, click Manage this Profile, and then scroll down to the Publications section. Find the Manage Publications button. Click on that, and a popup will provide a link to Elements. Click that link and a new browser window will open to Elements.
Or, go to Elements directly at
Find an
excellent set of tutorials for using Elements on the ScholarsWorks site managed by Duke Libraries.

To have your publications displayed on your departmental profile, be sure to select publications as favorites by clicking on the heart icon.
[box type="alert"]For more information, contact
Anton Zuiker or
Elizabeth McCamic in the Medicine Chair's Office. We will be the department's super users available to assist faculty.[/box]