Van Houtven named associate editor of REHO journal

Associate Professor of Medicine, Courtney Van Houtven, PhD, has been invited to serve as an associate editor of Review of Economics of the Household (REHO) journal. 

"Becoming an associate editor at Review of Economics of the Household is a great opportunity for me to expand my knowledge of the literature on household economic behaviors and household decision-making," says Van Houtven. "I am excited to work with Professors Shoshana Grossbard (Ed.) and Michael Grossman (coEd.), whom I greatly admire for their contributions to economics."

According to their website, REHO publishes empirical and theoretical research on the economic behavior and decision-making processes of single and multi-person households - which aligns greatly with Van Houtven's background.

As an associate editor, she will apply expertise from her own health economics research agenda, which focuses on how individual and family member behavior affects individual and household economic well-being.  Many of REHO’s articles closely reflect her own interests, such as understanding the economic and health consequences of providing informal care to one’s parents, planning (or not planning) for future long-term care needs, and how family structure impacts these choices.  Van Houtven also brings a unique perspective to the associate editor role because she's had the opportunity at Duke and the VA to examine household decision making processes directly through interacting with patients and informal caregivers as a PI and co-I of randomized control trial studies. She's also evaluated policies and programs that aim to support informal caregivers. 

Congratulations Dr. Van Houtven!
Follow her on Twitter @chvanhoutven
