Videoconferencing this year - it worked!

No surprise that Duke General Internal Medicine took an adventurous path last week to videoconference the "2020 State of the Division". According to one of many online chat comments, the technology successfully connected members from “the largest division in the largest department in the largest school at Duke!”

Remarks from the division chief

Dr. Ebony Boulware, division chief of general internal medicine, expressed her gratitude to so many who have contributed support to GIM this year, especially in this time period of the pandemic. She thanked all for the accommodations made to help GIM be successful. The presentation slides highlight much of the inventiveness of GIM members. [Slides in view with Duke NetID]

Updates from key areas but attendees asked "how we are managing the COVID risk?"

Leaders across the division gave specific updates -- clinical education, hospital medicine, palliative care, and primary care. Panelists described developments supporting the foundation of the GIM fellowship program. Hospital medicine, palliative care and primary care leaders reported their experiences but it was the chat channel that reflected the pervasive big question: how are we managing with COVID risk?

“Have all our hospitalists been ok with so much exposure?”

“How are the residents holding up caring for the patients on COVID units?”

Replies were overwhelmingly positive. Here were a couple examples:

 “(Dr. _________) and the team created new clinic sites on the fly…it was amazing.”

“…I (see that I) would have a fighting chance if I got hospitalized here, cared for by our hospitalists”

Presentation of the 2020 Excellence Awards

The gathering concluded with celebrating the annual Excellence Awards. Names of those recipients, both nominees and awardees, can be viewed from this page. Dr. Boulware spoke of the distinct honor to be nominated and also thanked those nominating and reviewing.

At the close, participants wrote:

“Really excellent discussion. Proud to be GIM!”

“Great Session!”

“Congrats all winners”

Then celebrations flowed into the Twitter stream…

Follow DGIM on Twitter: @Duke_GIM

