Voils Accepted to SBM Leadership Institute

We are pleased to announce the acceptance of Dr. Corrine Voils to the inaugural year-long Leadership Institute for mid-career members in the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM). SBM is an organization of over 2000 individuals, a multidisciplinary group comprised of many involved with health promotion, prevention, obesity, and chronic disease management.

Dr. Voils learned from SBM that there were “a high number of applications – far more than we could accept.” She is one of 30 upcoming participants.

The program begins this Spring with an immersive, two-day workshop prior to the 2016 annual meeting in Washington, DC. She will be completing and receiving results for a Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and acquiring leadership skills such as negotiating and addressing diversity. In the upcoming year Dr. Voils will also receive one-on-one coaching sessions. Lastly, she’s responsible to develop a project to be presented at the 2017 annual meeting in San Diego.

Overall, the Leadership Institute aims to help participants with transitions into more effective leaders by fostering self-awareness and the development of specific leadership skills.

“I am excited to network with other behavioral medicine researchers who are in the same stage of their career and facing the same challenges,” says Voils.

Click here to learn more about the Society of Behavioral Medicine and the Leadership Institute. Read more about Dr. Voils in this GIM Spotlight from September 20, 2015.
Follow Dr. Voils on Twitter @VoilsCorrine
