Weekly Updates - December 10, 2012

By admin3

 From the Director

Hi everyone! What a fantastic week!  I hear the chiefs were issued a recording contract, Adam Garber and Mandy George had awesome SAR talks, as did Sundhar Ramalingam with a great chairs conference. The fellowship match was INCREDIBLE - congrats to our amazing SARs and also to the Duke fellowship directors.  Our program will be well represented in fellowships and jobs here, and at fantastic institutions around the country.  A special thanks to our Stead leaders, Stead faculty, and others who helped with mock interviews for our SARs as well. And a final thanks to the elves who gift wrapped my office! [caption id="" align="alignright" width="179"] Match Day "ALL WRAPPED UP"[/caption] Kudos were passed on about Claire Kappa and Alex Clarke from Dr. Diehl for great care at night on 9100, to Armando Bedoya for helping the nurses with a complicated patient on 8300, and to Kedar Kirtane for stepping up to help a friend.  We are almost halfway through a tremendous interview season, and thanks to all who have hosted dinners, went to dinners, led tours and spent time chatting with applicants.  Also thanks to Jim Lefler, Brice Lefler, Hal Boutte, Nick Rohrhoff, Carli Lehr, DeAnna Baker, Adrienne Belasco, Katie Broderick, Armando Bedoya, Laura Caputo, Chris Hostler, Nancy Lentz, Marianna Papademitriou, Carling Ursem, Jen Rymer, Matt Chung, Sam Horr, Jon Menachem, Ryan Nipp, Bonike Oloruntoba, and Scott Westphal for speaking at the end of the interview days.  Many more of you will be doing this in the second half of the interview season and we look forward to that as well. Please look out for the new initiative on Gen Med - sympathy cards for patient families. Laura Musselwhite has spearheaded the effort, with help from Manesh Patel and Cecily Peterson. Also, don't forget gift drive donations - see Joel Boggan for any questions.   Congraluations go out to Lisa and Simon Vann on the birth of Abigail - the newest addition to our "family"!.   This week's pubmed from the program goes to Hany Elmariah for the two posters he is presenting at the American Society for Hematology meeting! Great work Hany! Have a great week, Aimee  

SAR Fellowship Match 2012

Blake Cameron – Nephrology at Duke
Jennifer Chen – Cardiology at Columbia
Rex Cheng – GI at University of Washington, Seattle 
Matthew Chung – Medicine at Durham VA Medical Center 
Catherine Coombs – Hem/Onc at MSKCC
Hassan Dakik – GI at Duke
Coral Day – Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine at Duke
Megan Diehl – Hem/Onc at Duke
Denise Duan-Porter – GIM at Duke
Adam Garber – Hospital Med at Virginia Commonwealth University
Amanda George – Primary Care at Virginia Commonwealth University
Brett Goodwin – Cardiology at Texas Heart Institute
Ivan Harnden – GI at Duke
Zachary Healy – Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine at Duke
Sima Hodavance – Cardiology at Duke
Carrie Horney – Geriatrics at University of Colorado-Denver
Samuel Horr – Cardiology at Cleveland Clinic
Shereen Katrak – ID at UCSF
Kathleen Kiernan – Hem/Onc at Duke
Andy Livingston – Hem/Onc at MD Anderson
Sahar Koubar – Nephrology at Johns Hopkins
Jonathan Menachem – Cardiology at University of Pennsylvania
Ann Marie Navar-Boggan – Cardiology at Duke
Ryan Nipp – Hem/Onc at Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Dustin Norton – Hospital Medicine at Durham Regional Hospital
Dale Okorodudu – Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine at UTSW
Bonike Oloruntoba – GI at Duke
Kevin Parrott – Cardiology at Kentucky
Nilesh Patel – Hospital Medicine at Duke
Priyesh Patel – Cardiology at Duke
Sundhar Ramalingam – Hem/Onc at Duke
Jason Rose – Pulmonary-Critical Care Medicine at Pittsburgh
Leah Rosenberg – Palliative Care at MGH-Dana Farber
Krishn Sharma – Medicine-Hospitalist at New Hanover Regional
Nicki Storms - Hospital Medicine at Durham VA Medical Center 
Josh Thaden – ID at Duke
Lisa Vann – Hospital Medicine at Duke
Jason Webb - Hospice and Palliative Medicine at Duke
Tara Weiselberg – Geriatrics at Cleveland Clinic
Scott Westphal – Nephrology at Duke
Newton Wiggins – Cardiology at Cleveland Clinic

What Did I Read This Week (by Aimee Zaas, MD)

[box]   Norovirus Gastroenteritis in Immunocompromised Patients, Karin Bok, Ph.D., and Kim Y. Green, Ph.D., N Engl J Med 2012; 367:2126-2132 November 29, 2012DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1207742   [/box]

Why did I read this?   Timely article based on what's been happening around town. What are the take home points?   Norovirus is the #1 infectious GI illness to send people to the ED and will likely be #1 overall once rotavirus in kids is controlled by an effective vaccine. In normal hosts, winter is norovirus season (hence its nickname of "winter vomiting syndrome", which is a pretty kind nickname considering the diarrhea involved with acute infection). Onset is quick and dramatic, but generally limited to 48 hours duration. While it only takes 20 copies of these single stranded RNA caliciviruses to get infected, normal hosts shed 10e8 to 10e9 copies per gram of stool. Hand hygiene is the best way to prevent ingesting those 20 copies. Soap and water is best, but alcohol is ok. Surfaces should be cleaned with bleach solution or any one of the EPA approved cleaners. Norovirus enters the GI epithelium through binding to histo blood group antigens.  Therefore, polymorphisms in these HGBAs can render people less susceptible to infection. The predominant outbreak straining GII.4 currently. Diagnosis canbe made by RTPCR of stool or clinical criteria. Treatment is supportive. Immunocompromised hosts can be sick longer, with a chronic low grade diarrheal syndrome.  It is thought that certain immunosuppressants (antimetabolites) increase risk as compared to mTOR inhibitors (sirolimus), but not well established. So......wash Your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands!!!!

QI Corner (by Jon Bae, MD)

Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Noon Conference When: THURSDAY Dec 13 Who: Evan Frasure, Dept of Pharmacy What: Medication Reconciliation AKA Pharmacy Follies AKA Check Yourself before you Med Rec Yourself Featuring: George Cheely and Ryan Schulteis and program QI updates GME Performance Incentive Program Update Check out the latest from the GME Performance Incentive Program (posted to sharepoint) We are still meeting target on 2 of 4 measures which (if held steady) = $400! And don't look now, readmissions have inched downward as well.... Talk to George, Ryan, or Jon if you want to get involved

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Division Speaker
14-Dec-12 Cardiology Drs. Chet Patel and Joe Rogers

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
12/10 INTERVIEW 12:00 Pipers
12/11 MED PEDS INTERVIEW 12:00 Saladelia
12/12 SAR talks Adia Ross, Hassan Dakik 12:00 Sushi
12/13 Quality Improvement & Patient Safety Jon Bae 12:00 Chick-fil-A
12/14 INTERVIEW 12:00 Saladelia

Endocrine Grand Rounds (by Nicole Greyshock, MD)

Dr. Lewis Blevins from UCSF will be giving Endocrine Grand Rounds on Monday December 10th from 5-6pm in Duke South Barrus Conference Room 3031 on Acromegaly: 25 Years of Growth.  Please join us for this wonderful opportunity.

DOC Clinic Reminders ( by Nicole Greyshock, MD)

Team DOC, please remember that morning clinic starts at 8:30 and afternoon clinic starts at 1:00.  Please be on time for your clinics. If you are listed to be at the DOC in medhub/amion but do not see patients listed on your schedule, you still need to go because you are the acute care provider for that day!  We appreciate all you do to provide excellent care for our patients! Annual Holiday Gift Drive Reminder - the ANNUAL HOLIDAY GIFT DRIVE closes on December 13, 2012.   We have identified five DOC families (yes, one for each Stead Society). BASICS: A.  2 ways to give:  1) Paypal, 2) Purchase gifts and bring to ACR office (wrapped with gift receipt inside, tag on outside identifying for whom and from which society, AND with a separate tag for us to know what it is so we don't duplicate). B.  TIMELINE:  Must have the donation by 12/13 in order to deliver to the DOC in time for delivery to the families. C.  BONUS #1:  Last year, we were able to get each person at least something from their list, and we were also able to help out several additional needy families with gift cards.  Any leftover funds will be used in the same way this year. D.  BONUS #2:  The friendly residents of the ECRC can always use electric razors and Renuzit air fresheners, should anyone be buying those.  These don't need to be wrapped, but can also be dropped off in the ACR office . . . PAYPAL LINK: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=YGR55TRWRB8VA Cash and checks also welcome ! Thanks!  Joel Boggan

Addition to our MedPsych Family !

We missed including this earlier, but not to be forgotten - please help us all congratulate Josh and Amanda Briscoe on the birth of their son Noah. [divider]

From the Residency Office

How to Search Weekly Updates Database

Weekly Updates is posted each week to Medicine News, which can be accessed using the following link  http://news.medicine.duke.edu/category/medical-education/internal-medicine-residency/  .  This format provides a permanent data base for reference, AND is searchable.  For example, if you are looking for information regarding moonlighting opportunities, open Medicine News, enter “moonlighting” in the search engine, and each issue of Weekly Updates where this topic has been discussed will be listed.

Recruiting Dinners and Tour Guide

If you haven't done so already, PLEASE sign up for a Recruitment Dinner and/or to be a Tour Guide on a Recruitment day!  The links to sign up for both are below! http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084FAEAE2CA13-december http://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B084FAEAE2CA13-december1 Note: The MedRes office will be closed (no admin staff on duty) December 24 - January 1, 2013

Contact Information/Opportunities

The Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Carolinas HealthCare System is accepting applications for its Primary Care in Psychiatry Fellowship.  The first year of this non-ACGME fellowship is successfully underway and Dr. Oleg Tcheremissine is now accepting applications for the second year.  A brief “job description” is attached.  More extensive information is readily available. Carolinas HealthCare System;  (704) 446-9246

Useful links
