"Weekly Updates" February 20, 2012

By heffe004@dhe.duke.edu

From the Director

Hey Everyone! Hard to believe it's almost March! The hospitals remain extremely busy, and being on gen med this week I have been getting a great opportunity to see the outstanding care you all provide on a daily basis! Lots of compliments have been coming to me – shout outs to intern Sarah Wingfield for her above-and-beyond care for a family (a gold star is on its way!), as well as to JAR Jon Menachem from his colleagues at the VA for excellent care in an emergent situation, Intern Matt Summers from Lynn Bowlby for great work at the DOC and night JARS Blake Cameron and Kathleen Kiernan for fantastic work. I'm sure there is more....this is just what I have heard this week! Pubmed from the program this week goes to SAR Ryan Schulties for his work with Dr. Ralph Corey "carotid-cavernous fistulas: not a diagnosis of exclusion" The NC ACP meeting is this week - congratulations to our residents who are presenting posters (see table below). Have a great week - we will keep you posted on where to meet us to watch the Duke -Carolina game ! Aimee
 Author  Title
Resident Amanda Elliott A Common, Inherited Genomic Deletion At Negr1 Is Associated With Body Mass Index And Highlights A Neuronal Influence On Body Mass
Resident Samuel Horr A ''Deep Seeded'' Problem
Resident Brian Miller Tian Zhang, Daniel Kaplan Non-infectious mimics of infectious diseases: A case presentation of new onset Crohn?s disease
Resident John Roberts Arthur Greenberg MD Multi-Focal Fibromuscular Dysplasia causing Renovascular Hypertension and Chronic Mesenteric Ischemia
Resident John Stanifer Uptal Patel, MD; Nathan Thielman, MD Chronic Kidney Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa
Resident Sima Pendharkr Sundhar Ramalingam, Ambika Tumkur, Mitch Black, Thomas Ortel Cramping My Style: A Case of Quinine Induced TTP – HUS
Resident Richard Wu Noncirrhotic Hyperammonemic Encephalopathy from an unusual ammonia cleaving bacteria
Resident Joel Boggan Shift changes for the hospital team:  standardizing and evaluating transitions of care in the era of duty-hour reform
Resident Krish Patel George Cheely MD, Amanda George MD, Saumil Chudgar MD A "mass" to remember
Resident Jennifer Rymer Tian Zhang, MD;  Daniel Kaplan, MD Expanding the Differential of Vesiculobullous Disease: A Case of Vancomycin-Induced Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis
Med Student Christina Behrend Nicole Greyshock MD, Daniel Ong MD, Alyssa Stephany MD A curious case of caffeine-induced hypokalemic paralysis
Med Student Jonathan O''Donnell John Posenau, MD, Kristen Dicks, MD, and Saumil Chudgar, MD A Rheumatologic Riddle

What Did I Read This Week (by Anne Phelps, MD)

[box] Calcium supplements with or without vitamin D and risk of cardiovascular events: reanalysis of the Women’s Health Initiative limited access dataset and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2011;342:d2040) complete article [/box] This meta analysis raises questions about the safety of calcium and vitamin D use. Many patients have stopped their supplements due to their concern about an increased risk of cardiovascular events. Articles: 1. Review New Insights about Vitamin D and Cardiovascular Disease. Annals of Internal Medicine December 20,2011. Volume 155, Number 12, pages 820-824. Conclusions: Vitamin D deficiency has been implicated in the development of artherosclerosis and endothelial dysfunction. While there are studies linking low Vitamin D levels and an increased risk for myocardial infarction, there is no clear evidence demonstrating that vitamin D supplementation prevents cardiovascular events. 2. Vitamin D With or Without Calcium Supplementation for Prevention of Cancer and Fractures: An updated Meta-analysis from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. Annals of Internal Medicine. December 20th, 2011. Volume 155, Number 12 pages 827-837. Conclusions: Vitamin D plus calcium supplementation decrease fracture risks in older persons. There is insufficient data to link calcium and vitamin D supplement with increased or decreased risk of cancer. Summary: Looking at multiple studies, there is a large body of evidence showing that calcium and vitamin D use decreases a postmenopausal women’s risk of fracture. There are multiple studies showing no benefit or harm from calcium and vitamin D supplementation on cardiovascular events.  (References 1,2.) At this point, women should not stop their calcium and vitamin D supplement after this one meta-analysis from the WHI study. More data is needed before I would recommend stopping calcium plus vitamin D supplements. References: 1. Hsia J, Heiss G, Ren H, et al; Women’s Health Initiative Investigators. Calcium/vitamin D supplementation and cardiovascular events. Circulation. 2007;115:846-54. [PubMed ID: 17309935] 2. Wang L, Manson JE, Song Y, Sesso HD. Systematic review: vitamin D and calcium supplementation in prevention of cardiovascular events. Ann Intern Med. 2010;152:315-23. [PubMed ID: 20194238]   [hr] [divider]

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Speaker Division Topic
2/24/12 Dr. Ferranti CMIO/VP CI Maestro Care

Noon Conference

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor
Monday 2/20 Dr. Dinge - combined Med, Med-Psych Dr. Dinge 12:00 Jersey Mike's
Tuesday 2/21 Med Peds SAR Talk     Ketan Shah/ Olivia Granillo Johnson Ketan Shah/ Olivia Granillo Johnson 12:00 Dominos
Wednesday 2/22 Gallops ACRs 12:00 Saladelia
Thursday 2/23 SAR TALK Lauran Gratian/April Barnado 12:00 Chick-fil-A
Friday 2/24 Chair's Conference Chiefs 11:00 Meelos

Duke Cardiology Fellowship - Meet and Greet

Cardiology will host a casual meeting between interns, residents considering applying for cardiology fellowship and current fellows on Tuesday, February 28, 2012, 6:30 at the indoor patio,  Geer St Pub.  If you are planning to attend, please RSVP to Zubin Eapen? Andrew Wang, MD Director, Cardiovascular Disease Fellowship Program

Charity Auction

Friday March 23rd at 7pm, at the Durham Arts Council Building. If you would like to support our cause, please contact Tian at tian.zhang2@duke.edu." 12th annual Charity Auction save the date

Picker Institute Challenge Grant (tian.zhang2@duke.edu)

The Picker Institute RFP is now open.  Check out the following attachment regarding this opportunity - Picker Institute

Humanism in Medicine - May 5, 2012

Please contact Chris Hostler if you're interested in either helping to organize this wonderful tradition or if you'd like to participate in the night's festivities. [divider]

From the Residency Office

MLSP and Survival Guides

We are offering a 2nd opportunity this year for Rising SAR's to submit a request for MKSAP.  How?  Complete the following online request. We also are considering placing an order for more Survival Guides due to the demand that we have seen to replace those that have been lost.  If you lost yours and need a replacement, you can use the following link as well to submit your name. When?  complete the survey no later than Monday, February 27, 2012. https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/MKSAP_SURVIVAL_GUIDE_REQUESTS


Reminder to check your expiration dates.    The following link takes you to registration:  Blitz registration April 2012

February - Month to Celebrate GME

Please join Duke GME Leadership and staff in celebrating our GME community and the contributions made towards making this a terrific year of GME.  The month of February has many events scheduled.  We encourage you to take advantage of some of these opportunities during the month.  GME Month 2012 - Calendar of Events<https://gme.duke.edu/sites/medicine.duke.edumedicine.duke.edudefault/files/files/GME%20Month%20Calendar%20of%20Events%201-18-12_0.pdf


Want To Spend A Year In Global Health As A Clinical Mentor/Educator?

Post Residency Experience in Rwanda:  Duke is recruiting physicians post residency for yearlong assignments as clinical mentors/educators at the National University of Rwanda beginning in July 2012.
The Government of Rwanda is initiating a comprehensive and innovative Human Resources for Health (HRH) Sacle-up Plan to build the infrastructure and human resource capacity necessary to create a high quality and sustainable health care system in Rwanda.  Click on the following link for more information: http://gme.duke.edu/about-gme/news/want-spend-year-global-health-clinical-mentoreducator


Duke Graduate Medical Education and the Duke School of Medicine Offer  In-Person Consultations on Your Student Loans  Wednesday, February 29, 2:00pm until 5:00pm;  Thursday, March 1, 9:00am until 11:30am and 2:00pm until 5:00pm GME Conference Room, M147 Green Zone;  Consultations Provided by Paul S. Garrard, Founder and President, PGPresents, LLC                         

These consultations are open to all classes of medical students and residents, and will be available in 30-minute segments.  They are being offered on a first-come first-serve basis.  You can sign up for an available time slot at:  https://instant-scheduling.com/sch.php?kn=1098010&typId=37026&step=2

Should you have any questions, please contact Amy Coppedge at 919.681.5459 or by email at amy.coppedge@duke.edu.

Dates to Add to Your Calendars

March 23 - Charity Auction May 5 - Humanism in Medicine June 2 - Annual SAR Dinner (invitations only) June 13 –Resident Research Event, 5-7pm

Useful links
