Weekly Updates: May 6, 2013

By admin3

From the Director

It's been a busy week to start Block 11. First, thanks to our ACRs Megan Diehl, Bonike Olorontoba and Carrie Horney! And welcome to Nilesh Patel, Ryan Nipp and Scott Westphal. Notable this week include a report of the $6000+ earned for the Lincoln Clinic at the 2nd Annual Stead Tread last Sunday, a big win by the residents over the faculty at Cameron Indoor (apparently interns and oncology faculty can jump!), and also some wonderful discussions on end of life care by our visiting Greenfield Professor, Dr. Susan Block. Thank you to Dr. Greenfield for sponsoring, to Jason Webb for hosting and to Dr. Block for sharing your wisdom. Congrats to Matt Summers for your gold star, and also a big thanks to Hal Boutte for helping out a colleague.  I also heard compliments from Peter Kussin regarding Mike Woodworth's discussion with a family and from Lynn Bowlby  regarding Adam Garber and Blake Cameron's work at the DOC. Spring is also a time of weddings....congrats to Shannon Klebe; to Coral Day; and to Sam Horr and Tara Weiselberg. Pictures will be posted soon! This past week was the program directors meeting in Orlando.  Major topics included milestones and also work compression. Thanks to all who have done their self=assessment - if you haven't, please log into Medhub and complete this exercise. We will be using the same form for semi- annual evaluations and it's a good way to see where you think you are doing well and where you want to improve.  We will be talking more about work compression and ways to improve our days, balance patient care w some conference attendance and also team leadership. This week's pubmed from the program goes to Alex Fanaroff for his JCI blog...http://blog.jci.org/2012/677/choices Have a great week! Aimee

QI Corner (submitted by Jon Bae, MD)

GME Trainee Performance Incentive Program Update: We have just posted the most up to date results from the GME Incentive Program to Sharepoint.  We are still meeting 2 of 4 measures with one more period to go.  As it stands, all trainees are eligible for $400 in June if this trend holds! [box]

What Did I Read This Week

(submitted by Lynn Bowlby , MD)

NEJM   May 1, 2013   Be prepared: The Boston Marathon and mass causualty events PD Biddinger and others

[/box] As an undergraduate (BU) and med student (Tufts) in Boston, I grew to know and love the city. Like others, I was shocked and horrified at the events at the Marathon on April 15. Looking at this tragic event thru the lens of a physician, how were so many lives saved, and what lessons can we all learn? Planning, practicing and learning from other cities experiences all contributed to the successful medical intervention. Early tourniquet use for blast injuries in Iraq and Afghanistan saved lives. How many of us have ever used a torniquet? Hospital staff that heard of the event thru TV, their phones etc. began preparation before they were directed to by their leadership. The blasts occurred at 2:50 PM, and many nurse managers directed their day staff to stay on duty, ensuring 2 shifts of workers were present. Victims were able to get into the OR within minutes, some were in by 35 min from the time of the blast.  No patient that was transported to an ED died.  Excellent communication allowed almost even distribution of the victims to the 6 trauma centers in Boston. MGH managed the arrival of 31 victims within one hour, and 5 were in the OR within 8 minutes of each other. Simple, previously practiced strategies like a colored numbered wrist band to identify patients were used rather than computer generated labels. There are many lessons for us. At the DOC this week we had 2 patients that became unresponsive. One briefly lost a pulse. Drs. Garber and Cameron provided excellent quick responses. We did a post event huddle to examine what we did well as a clinic and what we can improve.  I now more fully appreciate the value of those drills and practices for unexpected events. We never know if or when we will be needed the way the health professionals were in Boston that day. I know when I go to Boston next month and stand at the blast site on Boylston Street, I will wonder if I could  have thought so quickly to help save lives that day.

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date              Speaker                        Topic May 10         Dr. Rahul Shimpi        Esophageal Disease

Noon Conference

Date Topic Lecturer Vendor Room
5/6 Pulmonary Hypertension Dr. Terry Fortin Dominos 2002
5/7 Acid-Base Physiology Dr. Steve Crowley Moe's 2002
5/8 Schwartz Rounds Lynn O'Neill, Lynn   Bowlby Jersey Mike's 2002
5/9 ID for the Traveler Dr. Ralph Corey Bullock's BBQ LIBRARY
5/10 Chair's Conference Chiefs Saladelia 2002

From the Residency Office

Water - Water Everywhere - and Plenty for Everyone Drink!

OK, not quite so dramatic, but we DO want to clue the housestaff into a new effort started this week to stop our use of water bottles.  For those who might be wondering why, it's all found in the numbers.Water Cooler  We go though approximately 18,000 bottles each year, most still finding their way into the land fill.   So, Mr. H G’Nome (yes, he has come back to life) has taken this project on as a special mission.  First up - the new water dispensers.  Where?  Med Res Office and in the ACR's office.  He also has a few more tricks up his sleeves, so watch for more news in the coming weeks. Try out the dispensers, and please, think twice before just grabbing a bottle.

Maestro Training and Retirement of E-Bowser Scheduled

Wave 4 - Maestro Training has begun! Reminder - PLEASE ALSO USE THE LINK BELOW (YOU SIGN IN USING YOUR DUKE NET ID AND NET ID PASSWORD) TO DOUBLE-CHECK YOUR TRAINING DATE, START TIME AND LOCATION! https://vmwlmsweb.duhs.duke.edu/SabaLogin If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact Jen Averitt in the MedRes office 919-681-4510

SAR Board Review Schedule

Board Review Sessions will be held in the MedRes Library, Duke North, 8th Floor. Please contact Megan Diehl or Jeff Clarke if you would like to attend.  The schedule is as follows:
Date Topic Faculty
May 8 Gastroenterology Drs. Choi and Desai
May 14 Endocrine Dr. Matt Crowley
May 22 Renal Dr. Butterly
May 28 Neurology Dr. Skeen
June 5 Dermatology/Rheumatology Dr. Criscione
June 11 Mixed Bag (Medical ethics, Palliative Medicine, Psych) Dr. Zaas, Chiefs

Annual Awards

Residents will receive a separate email on Monday, May 6th, including a link to vote for the annual program awards.  The initial slate of candidates has been selected by the residency council, and as in prior years, write-in candidates are welcome. The awards, which will be announced during grand rounds in the coming weeks, recognize  the outstanding accomplishments and commitments to medical education throughout our program. Award categories include the following: 
  1. The Eugene A. Stead, Jr. M. D. Award:  Given by the Internal Medicine House Staff for Excellence in Teaching (recipient – faculty)
  2. Durham Regional Teaching Award:  Presented by House Staff to the Faculty Attending at Durham Regional Hospital Exemplifying Excellence in Teaching (recipient – faculty)
  3. Ambulatory Medicine Teaching Award:   Presented by the House Staff to the Faculty Member Who Best Exemplifies  Commitment and Excellence to Teaching  in Ambulatory Medicine (recipient – faculty)
  4. Joseph C. Greenfield, Jr.  Research Mentorship Award:  To recognize and honor internal medicine faculty who have used their time and talents to mentor house staff in the fundamentals of research  (recipient – faculty)
  5. VA Faculty Teaching Award:  Presented by House Staff to the Faculty Attending at the VA Medical Center Who Exemplifies Excellence in Teaching (recipient – faculty)
  6. Fellow Teaching Award:  Presented by the House Staff to the Fellow who Exemplifies Excellence in House Staff Teaching (recipient – fellow)
  7. The House Staff Community Service Award:  To recognize and honor Physicians who exemplify in their lives the fundamental precept of medicine: TO SERVE (recipient – resident)
  8. Haskel Schiff Award:   Presented to members of the Duke Medical House Staff by their colleagues for excellence in the Practice of Clinical Medicine” (recipient – resident)
  9. NEW AWARD - Bruce Dixon Award:  Presented to the ”best clinician” as voted upon  by the interns and residents(recipient – resident)
Research awards will be presented at our annual research conference, which will be held on June 4th in the Searle Center.

Effective Time Management With Professional Organizer Lori Bruhns

Date:  May 9 from 2:00-3:00 p.m. in 2003 Duke Hospital Lecture Hall Registration is not required, but seating is on a first-come, first-served basis. Seating fills up fast, so get there early to ensure you get a seat! Professional Organizer Lori Bruhns will share tips about how to better manage your office and personal time. If you have specific challenges you would like Lori to highlight fixes for, please e-mail your questions to: antoinette.parker@duke.edu

Contact Information/Opportunities


Upcoming Dates and Events

  • May 14/15:  Conflict Management Workshop     Register for the morning session, 7-9 am     Register for the afternoon session, 4-6 pm
  • May 15:  Voices of Medicine /  Humanities in Medicine
  • May 24:  Chief Grand Rounds - Jason Webb, MD
  • May 31:  Chief Grand Rounds - George Cheely, MD
  • June 4:  Resident Research Conference, Searle Center
  • June 7:  Chief Grand Rounds - Nicole Greyshock, MD
  • June 8:  SAR Dinner, Hope Valley Country Club
  • June 14:  Chief Grand Rounds - Ryan Schulteis, MD
  • June 21:  Chief Grand Rounds - Jeffrey Clarke, MD

Useful links

