Weekly Updates: October 29, 2012

By admin3

From the Director

Hello everyone! T-7 days till recruiting! This week got us ready with 100+ med students at our house for the internal Medicine interest group party and a fantastic recruitment kickoff at Tyler's. I hear the Halloween party was great as well. We are very excited to show off all the things that make Duke great to the applicants - if you didn't see the Duke Med Res movie, we will send out the final cut this week. Please sign up for tours and dinners! Kudos this week come from Lynn Bowlby to Eric Chu and Bobby Aertker for teaching during admin time at the DOC, from PA Alyssa Hassinger to interns Jim Lefler, Brice Lefler, Adrienne Belasco, Claire Kappa, and Tony Lozano for "above and beyond" patient care at the DOC. I also heard about kudos for Kaley Tash at the DOC. The final tally is not yet in, but Lauren tells me the fund drive for baby blankets and stuffed animals was a great success! Congrats to Laura Musselwhite for winning Dr Dzau's basketball tickets in the drawing. For our amazing 100% flu shot rate, John Waggoner won my tickets and for the recruitment kickoff, congrats to Steve Dolgner for winning Dr Cohen's Tickets. Thanks Dr Dzau and Dr Cohen. Thanks to our ACR's - Hassan Dakik, Matt Chung and Charlie McCormick! Nice job for the past 2 months.  Pubmed from the program goes to Ryan Nipp who is presenting at ASCO this week:  Abstract Title: The evolution of supportive care quality measures portfolio and conformance (Ryan Nipp and mentor Amy Abernethy) Have a great last week of Doctoberfest.  It's on to Movember! Aimee 

QI Corner (by George Cheely, Jr, MD)

Final flu shot report, and THANK you all for your support.  It just does not get any better than 100% (unless we include the office staff and program leadership.  So, maybe it is possible to be 100% compliance!  Either way - well done.      



What Did I Read This Week (by  Lynn Bowlby, MD)

[box]     Becattini C, Agnelli G, Schenone A, et al; WARFASA Investigators. Aspirin for preventing the recurrence of venous thromboembolism. N Engl J Med. 2012, 366: 1959-67     [/box]

At the DOC we manage many patients on anticoagulation….and when they complete their course of warfarin, we often wonder:  Could we help prevent another clot?  20% of unprovoked clots recur within 2 years of stopping anticoagulation. We know that extending anticoagulation will help prevent recurrence but has a risk of bleeding. In this randomized, blinded trial 400 pts were followed for 2 years ( a long time for this type of trial!!) for recurrence of symptomatic clot.  The pts were randomized to ASA 100 mg or placebo, after 6-18 mos of warfarin. . Patients with cancer, major thrombophilia or high risk for bleeding were excluded. The outcome?  ASA therapy reduced risk of VTE by 44% with an absolute reduction of 8%. Only 2 episodes of bleeding occurred, one in each group.  A significant reduction in DVT, but not PE or mortality.   That was likely due to a lack of statistical power.  The DASH (ddimer, age, sex, hormone therapy) can predict risk of clot. Is this enough to change our practice and recommend ASA for all after clot?  If confirmed by another large trial, ASPIRE, it may be.  [hr]

 Health Policy Corner 

Drs. Bruce Peyser, Kathleen Waite, and Anne Phelps co-authored the attached article with Dr. Scott Joy that was published in the October isuse of SGIM Formum:  A Positive Result of the Affordable Care Act: Seize the Opportunity of the Annual Wellness Visit!  

From the Chief Residents

Grand Rounds

Date Division Speaker Title
2-Nov-12 Geriatrics Dr. Helen Hoenig Improving Mobility

Noon Conference

Day Date Topic Lecturer Time Vendor Room
Monday 10/29 HIV Part 2 Chuck Hicks 12:00 Rudinos 2002
Tuesday 10/30 Med Peds SAR talks Navar, Boggan 12:00 Saladelia 2002
Wednesday 10/31 Let's get ready for interviews! Chiefs/Dr. Zaas 12:00 Jersey Mike's 2002
Thursday 11/1 SAR talks Kevin Parrot 12:00 Moe's 2001
Friday 11/2 Chair's Conference Chiefs 12:00 Meelos 2002

Turkey Bowl Practice

Time and place for practice each week:  Sunday @ 330 at Forest Hills Park.

Movember - Here we Come! 

Movember is a fantastic opportunity and easy way for all of us to help raise awareness of men's health issues, including prostate and testicular cancers.  By growing a mustache during Movember, men can essentially become a walking billboard for these important health issues that affect all of our patients.  Also, by seeking sponsors for growing your mustache from family, friends, and colleagues, we can all help raise money for a great cause! How it works: Register at www.movember.com with Team – MoDukeMed. Men start November 1st clean shaven, then grow a mustache throughout Movember.   Raise funds for charity by getting sponsorship for growing your mustache and take pictures along the way. This is not just for men!  Women too can help by raising awareness, seeking out donations, and helping to encourage the men!  [divider]

From the Residency Office

DoctoberFest: Mr. H G'Nome had been MIA, and except for a skirmish of activity early in the week we had no news or sightings - until FRIDAY NIGHT !  It would appear the VA Jets have treated him well, if his growth spurt is any indication.  The office staff - who are his trusted guardians - trust that he remains in good hands!  


Stuffed Animal and Baby Blanket Drive – 10/22-10/31 (submitted by  Mr. H. G'Nome)

You guys have been AWESOME supporters of this project!  The final tally is not in, but what a great showing.  Many of my little friends will be thankful as they leave the hospital wrapped in warm  blankets and cuddly stuffed animals in tow.  Collections are still being accepted through October 31st  (new stuffed animals, but we can take new and gently used baby blankets, or cash). Thank you for your help for this wonderful cause! DINNER SIGN-UPS:  Just a few openings remaining for November.  If you can't stop by to sign up, call the office to add your name to the list.  This is your chance to help recruit the next class of interns, AND get a great dinner to boot.  TOURS:   Tours are another vital part of each recruitment day! Sign-up sheets are posted in the main office along with the dinner sign-up sheets. We need 6 residents who are willing to give a tour each day. Again, an ENORMOUS THANK YOU for your willingness to be a part of such an important season. We can’t do this without your help!

Internal Medicine Certification Dates - 2013

SAR's - not too early to start planning ahead.  The following flyer has the details regarding 2013 ABIM Certification Examinations.      Summer 2013 IM Certification Exam Dates

Stead Groups - What You May Not Know:

This week we are honoring the Orgain Stead Society, which is led by Manesh Patel, MD The society takes its name in honor of Edward Orgain (1906 – 1995), a pioneer and visionary teacher of Duke Medicine.  Much of the description provided on Dr. Orgain’s contributions are taken from his good friend Dr. Robert Whalen (Orgain)

Edward S. Orgain, M.D., joined the faculty of Duke University School of Medicine in 1934 as an instructor in medicine and physiology after training at Massachusetts General Hospital, where he published one of the first scientific papers about atrial fibrillation. In 1945, he became founding director of the Cardiovascular Diseases Service and started the Cardiovascular Diseases Fellowship Program. Dr. Orgain developed Duke’s first cardiovascular diagnostic unit and joined the faculty of the Division of Cardiology when it was established in 1967.  He held positions in many state and national professional organizations and was honored with many distinguished service and teaching awards from Duke, the American College of Cardiology, and the American Heart Association. He retired in 1975, and this endowment was established in 1982 by Dr. Orgain’s friends, colleagues, students, and patients to support clinicians working to improve heart disease treatment. 

Although, Orgain was nicknamed "Hotel Harry" by his colleagues because his impeccable clothing style resembled that of a hotel manager, the Orgain Stead Society has not yet achieved that level of dapper style. The Orgain Stead Society under the direction of Coral Day and Newton Wiggins has also coordinated the Food Drive for the Durham Rescue Mission and the Food Cards for the DOC.  We look forward to another active Food Drive this November and look forward to competing with the other Stead Societies to help Durham County.

Developing Academic Leaders in Global Health

The Global Health Residency Pathway offers Duke internal medicine residents the opportunity to broaden their training to address health disparities in a resource-poor setting.  We are currently soliciting applications from Internal Medicine Residents for enrollment in July 2013.  Application deadline is November 1, 2012.    Please see attached flyer for eligibility and application process.  You can also visit us on the Global Health Residency Pathway website. 2012 Global Health Medicine flyer Please contact me at cecelia.pezdek@duke.edu or 919-668-5976 if you have any questions. 

Dates to Add to Your Calendars /Contact Information/Opportunities

November 12-15   BLS Blitz November 22   Turkey Bowl December 1       DoM Holiday Party


 NYU Announcement - GIM Fellowship Opportuinty 2012-2013

Useful links
