Alexander Terry Reddy
Consulting Associate in the Department of Medicine

Start Year: 2021

Where is your hometown?

Birmingham, Alabama

Education and Training

College/University:  University of Pennsylvania

Medical School:  University of Alabama School of Medicine

Residency:  Duke University Medical Center

List your Medical and Non-Medical Honors and Awards:

  • 2021 Lecocq Award for Outstanding Senior Resident Talk, Duke University Internal Medicine Residency Program
  • 2018 Tinsley R. Harrison Award for Excellence in Internal Medicine, University of Alabama School of Medicine
  • 2017/2018 Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honor Society, Chapter President, University of Alabama School of Medicine 

Tell us briefly about your background before embarking on your medical training:

I grew up in Birmingham, AL and lived there until starting college. I then attended the University of Pennsylvania, where I was a member of the men’s varsity soccer team, prior to beginning to my medical training.

Please outline your career plans in gastroenterology (If you know it at this point in your training):

I plan to work in an academic setting where I can further explore and expand upon my developing interest in esophageal disorders.

What were you looking for in a fellowship program?

I was looking for a program with robust and diverse clinical training, readily identifiable mentors who would be invested in my development as a physician, and a strong sense of comradery amongst the fellows. Thankfully Duke has all of these aspects and so much more.

What advice might you offer residents looking at fellowship programs?

I’d recommend some time for introspection so that you can identify exactly what you’d like from a fellowship experience. Having a clear sense of your goals will make it easier to identify a program that can support you both as a person and as a physician. Additionally, in-depth conversations with the current fellows can provide lots of information about the culture and structure of a fellowship program.

From your experience in fellowship, what have you learned about training at Duke?

The fellowship experience at Duke has been exciting, entertaining, and challenging in all the right ways. The faculty are genuinely invested in each and every one of us. My co-fellows have become incredible colleagues and friends who make it fun to go to work every day.

How is your life in the Triangle area outside of work?

The Triangle is an exceptional place to live as a trainee. There is an abundance of restaurants, bars, museums, parks, and anything else you might want scattered across the Raleigh, Chapel Hill, and Durham areas. You can travel between all these areas with ease since there is almost never any traffic, and after living in the area for several years I feel like I’m still scratching the surface.

What is your favorite restaurant in Durham?


Aside from travel, reading, and cooking…list a hobby or interest outside of work:

I enjoy watching English Premier League soccer on the weekends and dabbling in wood-working projects in my spare time.

List any professional social media sites you would like to share:

Twitter: @alextreddy

Consulting Associate in the Department of Medicine