Staplefoote Boynton
Bessie  Staplefoote Boynton
Senior Assistant Resident, Med-Psych
House Staff


Atlanta, GA

University of Pittsburgh

Medical School
Brody School of Medicine at East Carolina University

Advanced Degrees
M.P.H., University of Pittsburgh

What are your career goals?
Clinically I am interested in primary care, especially for individuals with severe mental illness. I am also interested in perinatal/reproductive psychiatry. My other interests include utilizing implementation science methods to address health inequities.

Reflections on the Duke Program

What were you looking for in a residency program?
I was looking for a program that provided a solid clinical foundation while also provided opportunities to explore interest outside of bedside/chairside clinical practice.

What are the strengths of the Duke Program?
Supportive and knowledgeable faculty, driven towards excellence.


House Staff